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<Wiki Inquiry>

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So, this is probably something answered right in front of my face, that I just keep missing being time and time again I'm blind, BUT. . .


What are the rules on tasteful nudity and our character wikis (read: artwork of tasteful nudity)? Is it gallery only, not gallery and spoiler only, allowed period, not allowed at all? 


x.x Sorry for the derptastic question. I swear I've looked around but I've resigned myself to being incompetent in this search, lmao. Thank you for any clarification!

*this is probably in the wrong area, too, but I didn't know where to put it. I think there was a wiki thread but I didn't know if this was appropriate to post there. Woo!

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Quick copy from the rules.


3. Rated Teen/Mature:"Don't get anyone fired." All content on our forums and wiki should fall somewhere between a Teen and Mature rating, or between a PG-13 and a "low" R rating. While your content can get a little racy or violent, don't post anything that would cause a reader to get fired or trigger a web filter. Use common sense to decide what's appropriate and be sure to use the spoiler tag to mark sections "NSFW" (not safe for work) if you have any concerns.



So basically, if it looks NSFW, I'd spoiler tag to be on the safe side.

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Quick copy from the rules.


3. Rated Teen/Mature:"Don't get anyone fired." All content on our forums and wiki should fall somewhere between a Teen and Mature rating, or between a PG-13 and a "low" R rating. While your content can get a little racy or violent, don't post anything that would cause a reader to get fired or trigger a web filter. Use common sense to decide what's appropriate and be sure to use the spoiler tag to mark sections "NSFW" (not safe for work) if you have any concerns.


So basically, if it looks NSFW, I'd spoiler tag to be on the safe side.


What about the actual raw upload? Every image has to be uploaded to use on the wiki. That link isn't able to be put into a spoiler. Specifically seen here:


or in its raw direct like here:


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Er, you're probably fine unless it's showing genitals below the waist in plain sight.


If the picture picture were to start generating a large number of complaints for nudity, then the moderation team would request it be taken down.


I would just say use judgement. If it's something very NSFW, I would probably keep it off the wiki unless it's censored. Because the server is located in the USA, it does fall under American laws for content.

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