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Dread Wyrms


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The Dread Wyrms are proud to present the free company that is us!  Come and meet Balmung's premier, totally legitimate and not pirate based, airship centric group of roleplayers! Come and fly the open skies with a band of diverse and colorful characters who are in no way pirates.  Did I mention that already?  Well I'm saying it again because it's important.  Come and enjoy frivolities including, but not limited to:


[align=center]An RP Combat System[/align]


One of our members is a professional game designer.  We held him at gunpoint until he'd crafted for us a one of a kind system that allows our members to make unique character spreadsheets for memorable IC encounters. 


[align=center]Regular RP Events![/align]


A few months ago, we began experimenting with weekly RP events, and the results have been wonderful.  Come and join us for more of those things!


[align=center]Voice Chat (and voices to chat with)[/align]


We're a chatty bunch.  When we aren't RP'ing, we're talking about all manner of nerdy things in our discord channel.




[align=center]A Mansion[/align]



Come join us in our luxurious and posh abode located at plot 17 of the Goblet's seventh ward.


[align=center]End Game Stuffs![/align]


Are you excited for the Diadem?  We and our four airships sure are.  We also have an end game raid crew (currently full, but we draw from the FC for subs), and do PvP together.

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Oh!  By the way, if you have any questions, contact any of the following people!


K'hatos Tia (That's me!  Hi!)

Shiori Eikitaika (Fastest heals in the west)

Ashwyn Starsteel (The FC's mom)

Roni Oni (A lalafell)

Ravusa Evomere (Master of games and/or mystery)

Oyuu Dataq (Our PR person for when I say something stupid.  He's very busy.)


We arrrr the officers of said non-pirate skylanders.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[align=center]We recently redecorated our base of operations and by golly does it look great. Here, have a look! [/align]














[align=center]Please feel free to drop by in-game if you would like and have a gander yourself! Located in the Goblet in Ward 7, Plot 13.[/align]

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[align=center]Hello folks- I mean... Arrr me mateys. Ahem.[/align]

[align=center]It's been a while since we reopened our doors as the Dread Wyrms skypirate crew, and boy have we been busy. Pissing people off then making alliances with them, weddings and break ups, and cake murder, we haven't been short of things to do. Especially with our first public IC event being hosted tonight, the Dread Ball! Ooo~[/align]


[align=center]Just want to say a quick welcome to our new members K'heyo Tia and Aart Juari, I hope you can put up with our crazy lot! [/align]


[align=center]Without further ado, here's some screenshots of our recent activities.[/align]




[align=center]Our dear friends Riella Blackthorne and Rhadra Nelhah finally were bonded in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by friends and family. It was a very joyous occasion, look how pretty these girls are. Let's wish them a wonderful and happy marriage, yay! [/align]




[align=center]After having Aart join the crew, there was a lot of drama concerning a cake hostage situation. RIP K'hatos' cake, 21st Day of 5th Umbral Moon to 21st Day of 5th Umbral Moon, you shall be missed. Good luck to J'takra in getting out of that punishment. [/align]







[align=center]And yesterday was our beloved Chief Engineer's Nameday! Happy Nameday Kenji! We celebrated by heading out to a pretty place to have a picnic and a drink in Lower La Noscea. It was a pleasant evening with many a funny story shared. [/align]

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey folks! We are drawing ever closer to the 3.1 one patch, bringing us new and exciting things such as exploration missions, the Void Ark, a new Extreme Trial and of course... A SINK! We can finally have a beautiful kitchen. *manly tear*


These past few weeks we wrapped up a few ongoing storylines. We finally defeated the Goblin Cyborg... things and got to test our  swanky new combat system! Also, a mysterious book arrived on our doorstep and caused havoc with illusions and riddles, embarrassing some of our crew whilst making some other members suspicious. The book is still in their hands... we're just trying to figure out what just to do with it! And our beloved Talan finally got avenged, but not without a few nasty secrets being revealed. 


In non-RP news, we're still battling our way through Alexander Savage, with one group on the last wave of adds in floor two and the other learning the ways of resin bombs and lasers in floor one. Our airships are being prepared for the exploration missions coming in 3.1 so we're ready to get that sweet, sweet loot. We've also been getting our teeth into PvP! So if you're a member of the Flames, give us a shout and we can kill some Mael and Adder noobs.


Our doors are still open for new crew members, so if you're interested in joining us please apply on our

site or send us a message! That's it for news, we'll see you on Tuesday in 3.1! (With our official name change! We can finally hang up our carbuncles and become pirates for real! Yarr!)

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[align=center]. We also been getting out teeth into PvP! So if you're a member of the Flames, give us a shout and we can kill some Mael and Adder noobs. [/align]




The Dread Wyrms do not condone violence against the Twin Adders nor the Maelstrom.  No matter how many S rank terminals they steal from the glorious Immortal Flames.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hey good lookin's. What's cookin'? 



It's been a little while since I have written one of these things, so I thought it was time for an update! We've been doing quite a lot of casual RP as we introduce our two newest members, Vjalanir Andemix and Popolata Gigilata! Welcome aboard guys, I hope you like it here. 



Apart from the casual RP, one of dearest members, Sato a.k.a Artoria Tumet hosted his first event for us. And boy, was it fun. He created a interesting and innovative boss with our swanky new combat system, and with unique dialogue and tricky mechanics he really personalised the experience and it was a fun evening for all. Thank you to Sato to hosting such an awesome event, please look forward for more events from him! 



We have quite a bit planned ahead for the crew too. Our second public event, The Winestone, will be held this Saturday, prepare to get crunk as Hells! We also have our Alliance mission with an Ala Mhigan Resistance group which should be a fun opportunity to make new friends... or enemies. And K'hatos will be hosting an event based on exploring Azys La or well... getting there! 



We are still looking for new crew members, so if you are interested reply to this thread or check out our website

hereThat's it for this post, folks. Have a good one!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Howdy folks. It’s getting close to that time of year again! IT’S CHRISTMASSS. And time for another update!


We’ve been busybusybusy recruiting recently, meeting people in game or talking on the RPC forums trying to find new characters a home at our wonderful free company. We’ve had a bunch of lovely players join, say hey to Ziuz’a, Kokotori, Abrenard, Brom, Khona’to, Tsubaki and Bibiniji! I’m happy to welcome you all into our crew! We're still accepting new members, so if you're interested in joining please send me a PM or apply on our website



It’s been another fun month of RP events for the Dread Wyrms. Along with new members joining left and right, we’ve had to face off rival airships, weird morphing science experiments and pissed off Ala Mhigans. Keep an eye out on our event calendar for more fun adventures to be had! 


In other news, 3.15 is around the corner and we’re eagerly awaiting the new relic weapons. Let’s hope it’s not too bad of a grindfest, eh? Also, the seasonal Starlight event has been announced and is giving lovely festive goodies, which will come in use for a future public event…


Working with Quarry’s Run and Friends, the Dread Wyrms will be hosting a public Starlight themed event on the 21st of December! There will be various festive activities to be had with lots of guests going to attend. If you wish to help out, feel free to PM me. We’re currently in the process of decorating the mansion in preparation for the Starlight Respite. If you would like more info on the event itself, please click 



That’s all for now, I hope you get all your holiday shopping done and have a very Merry Christmas. And a Happy New Year!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey folks, hope all is well! Just an another update regarding a few small things. We recently recruited a new member, U’ami Rahz so please wish her a warm welcome! I hope you make some great friends here amongst the Dread Wyrms. 


This weekend we had our first free company roleplay event of the year, Dying Light! The mission was a disaster, a lot of work with nothing to show for it after being betrayed by the Lalafell that hired them. Typical. And there were zombies, so many zombies. Just want to say thank you to folks for participating in the event and making it a memorable one. I hope you all had fun, I know I did! The story will definitely continue, we need to catch that dastardly Lalafell! *shakes fist*


We are still open for recruitment and eagerly awaiting any applications you may have for us. If you have a character that might suit a quirky and rather weird Skypirate crew, please PM me or send me a /tell in game on Raih Unaze or Oyuu Dataq. For more information, please visit our website!

Thanks for reading, take care folks!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey everyone, time for another update! We’ve been getting back into the swings of things after a bit of a break at the start of the new year, but now we’re swimming in new members and events. A warm welcome to our newest recruits; D’elmi, Tomorgor, T’lani, Lionett and Rika! In roleplaying news, K’hatos has stepped down as Admiral and handed over his throne to Shiori. Congratulations to Shiori for her new role! And good luck, because she’s probably going to need it with this lot.


Currently, we have began starting a lot of ongoing plotlines for our FC members. From exploring the mysterious and dangerous floating islands of Azys Lla to fighting against our rival skypirate crew to necromancy and dastardly Lalafells, there's much to look forward to for our members. 


We're still open for recruitment, so if you have a character that might fit in with our crazy bunch of skypirates, please shoot an application to our website. If you have any questions about joining or... just about anything really, feel free to message me here on the forums or send me a /tell (I'll either be on Oyuu Dataq or Raih Unaze!) 


That's it for now folks, catch you all next time!

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The Dread Wyrm's Officer/Combat System creator here,


I've been neglecting posting in this forum (halfway between lazy and busy), but here is a link to the CS that I created for the FC, and I am more than willing for others to use it. Feedback is appreciated, and I would love to see this grow, even potentially becoming a global tool.




Goal was to make it play almost like a tabletop FFT. I did my best to keep it both very open (so that all types of characters can be accurately represented in this system) and very fitting to lore (So it does not stop feeling like FFXIV while using it).


Let me know what you guys think! I very much do enjoy any feedback I can get! 


Here is a post on our forums/enjin for any more details.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey folks, we’re halfway through March already, where does the time go? In general news, we’ve been having a little recruitment wave and have a bunch of new members, yay! Say welcome to Camerin, Rey, Natsume, Cyndollyn and A’nuada! They’re settling in pretty well, attending their first events and getting to know the crew. 


Speaking of events… The crew has done a bunch of them the past month. They killed a moth, got sweet, sweet revenge on a pesky Lalafell and battled against mammets. However, the Dreads did something that they’d probably never admit outside their circle. They were, dun dun DUN, DEFEATED! By moogles, of all things. Good job to Abrenard and Shiori for making the fight challenging and proving to be a bit too much for the skypirates to handle. It was extremely amusing for the crew to get dunked on for a change using our combat system. 


We’ve also been enjoying our freestyle events too, with Remy’s Doom Train and K’hatos’ continuation of the Azys Lla story. The Doom Train proved to be confusing yet interesting, the crew having to think on their feet to save their loot and get out alive without having a strange Allagan contraption killing them. And the trials in Azys Lla prove to be even more vexing, the most recent event seemed to be a morale conundrum for some. 


The Dread Wyrms are still taking applications currently, so if you want to be a part of the shenanigans click here. We're also looking for potential FC collaborations for plotlines and events, so if you're interested please PM me. That's it for now, take care folks!

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  • 1 month later...

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