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Greetings one and all.

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Salutations and felicitations my fellow Roleplayers.


I am Stahlt, though recently let go of such a handle I find myself wandering the life of J'hevra Lapineaux on the realm of Balmung.


Suppose I best get down to the details. I am a long time, veteran roleplayer and have more or less been playing the game a few months now. That being said, I play for the story that the folk around me can develop in essence, the RP. With that in mind I am always looking for new folk, be it friends or enemies in character to make. Though I have found it exceedingly harder to approach or greet others, due to an influx of timing on my part. That being said, I am also looking for a Roleplay FC.


Now that, that is out of the way; I would like to say, I prefer the more serious side of Roleplay, not..... playing house, so to speak.


If interested, contact me here directly, or find me in game.


For a side note, I run many events, and game like events with the styled DnD aspects. This is all open to everyone who wishes to take a chance on me, and the same in reciprocation.





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Hello there, welcome to the RPC! :D Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested.

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