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Hello hello? O:


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I've been curious of the RP world here in the FF14 scene and have been wondering where I can find them in-game and some other sites. To be honest I only happened upon the wiki accidentally but I'm so glad I found it! :D


This place seems fun and I'm hoping to observe how people go about with it and maybe--just maybe, strike fun RP threads with y'all! :3


I just wished that more RP people would appear in Faerie cos I heard Balmung is where RPers stay in? Yeahh ; u ;




Also I guess I should fill out that template, huh? xD


--MMORPG background

I have been playing MMOs since 2003. First one was Ragnarok Online. I haven't been able to stick to one lately cos they all seem so boring and whatnot but FF14 changed that! :D


--RP experience

I suppose I have been RPing since... 2009? 2010? I'm still trying to improve my vocabulary though and how to RP, so yes! I prefer the Lit RPs rather than Script ones.


--Character ideas/info

I have some info about them and some set in stone through headcanons and discussions with my partner but I am uncertain with how to word it yet so maybe soon! :3

--How did you learn about the coalition?

Googling things and accidentally seeing it in the search results? xD


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Probably a combination of medium to heavy but leaning more on medium? :D Light would be a nice break from time to time too!


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

Welll.... I draw so that's a start haha! CX

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Hello there! And welcome to the RPC! I'm glad to see there's new people coming in still.


If you are curious about Balmung, you could try getting on after maintenance ends around 6:00 AM EST... I'm not sure what time zone you're in, but if you look at the site you should see you'll be able to get on relatively easily around that time. 


As for rpers on Faerie? I'm sure it's possible! Keep an eye out! <3

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Hello there! And welcome to the RPC! I'm glad to see there's new people coming in still.


If you are curious about Balmung, you could try getting on after maintenance ends around 3:00 AM EST... I'm not sure what time zone you're in, but if you look at the site you should see you'll be able to get on relatively easily around that time.


As for rpers on Faerie? I'm sure it's possible! Keep an eye out! <3

Bolded a fix, not that it matters now anyway, the time has passed:thumbsup:


Anyways, Welcome to the RPC!


And yes, Balmung is where most rpers are, or are headed.

However Gilgamesh is the 2nd largest with Jenova and.....one other whose name escapes me right now, coming up in 3rd.

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Balmung is the most heavily populated of the RP servers, with Gilgamesh next behind (though the other Gilgameshites don't generally hang out here in the RPC).  It's sometimes easier to get into Gilgamesh, but Gilg is also a heavily populated server anyway.


Still, if you can get into Gilgamesh and want to put down roots, I'll introduce you around!

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Haha everyone is so nice! CX <3


My friend and I are planning to just make alt characters in Balmung and/or Gilgamesh now for RP sake haha! There's just not much here in Faerie and if there are, I can't seem to find them or they're hiding from me. OTL


Thank you for the warm welcome though! :D If I'll ever make a character in those 2 servers, I'll make sure to post here! xD


Again, hello hello! :D

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Welcome to the RPC~


-flings confetti on-

*was standing next to has confetti in face*

Listen, if you stand in the welcome confetti splash zone


...sometimes accidents happen.

I know it happens Im too tall and tend to stand in the way. *brushes confetti onto newcomer*

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