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Old player coming back....most likely.


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So...not really a 'welcome' situation, more 'welcome back' I guess? I played FFXIV from launch to...not really sure honestly but it was a bit, during that crazy 'woops this game kinda wasn't ready for launch at all' saga of 'fun'. I loved the world and I remember from the days of Besaid there was a great RP community growing, I just had RL stuff come up and combined that with being frustrated with the game.


Well now I hear the world's ending and everything's going fresh and honestly that sounds pretty fun! So, I think I'm going to wind up coming back, most likely having to remake my Lalafell, and see how things are.


So...I guess I'm asking how are things?

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Welcome back! :cheer:


Things are great! There are a handful of good RPLS's out there and the game itself is much more refined than it was at launch, and by the look of things 2.0 is going to make it exponentially better still! I'm sure a lot of RPers who left for 'greener pastures' will be coming back as well.

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