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Masked Miquo'te

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RL Info:


RL Name: Ash

RL Age: 19

Country: USA

Timezone: EST

RL Gender: Female


--Why do you like to RP? 

I've always found enjoyment in the creativity of it. Designing their background, creating the character, putting yourself into their mind set to make their personality, etc. I enjoy writing and creating things like that so I find it fun.


Basic info


--Characters: Zax Xelphia 


--Current primary linkshell: N/A


--RP Preferences: I'm up for about anything, that being said I do enjoy the more dark and serious types of RP.


--RP style (light, casual, moderate, or heavy)?



--Are you willing to RP a fight scene in game? 

Yes, always open to it. My character enjoys a good fight.



--What is your preferred method of combat? (/randoming, skill based, etc)

Matters, I like /randoming with people I do not know but if I trust the person then I'm up for simply playing it out.



--Are you willing to take major injuries in game? (ie limb loss, comas, etc.)

Yep, I'd of course like to be spoken to about or at least asked before someone attempted to rip off a limb but I'm open to the idea.


--Are you willing to let your character die permanately?

Not currently, but if the scene and time is right I might be willing.



--Are you willing to RP romance in game? How far are you willing to go?

I'm open to it, counting my toon is currently married.


--What kind of non-romantic RP relationships are you willing to take part in? (family ties, etc)

Open to any, don't mind playing out family roles and always open to my characters making new ties


--How far from the actual lore are you willing to stray?

I prefer to stay true to the lore, I don't mind "lore bending" but straight out breaking it I'm not for.


--Views on chat functions (IC vs OOC)?

Whatever, does not bother me,


--Are you looking for Cross-guild Rp?

Yes please


--How do you prefer to be contacted? (PM or post in this thread)

You can pm me on game, on here, post here or ~

Skype: Riazeil

PSN: Riaziel 



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