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Completely New, Unsure of Where to Start


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Hallo everybody!


So, the title pretty much says it all. I've been playing FFXIV for a little over a month now, but only just got into Balmung in the past week or two. I've been wanting to RP in FF since a good friend of mine gave me the game, but ever since I arrived in Balmung... there's just so many people! I have no idea where to even begin looking for RP. Everywhere I look it feels like there are more and more RPers, and frankly, it gets a little overwhelming. I find myself often retreating to more questing and leveling, truly not knowing what or where to start my adventures in RP.


I guess I should say a little bit about myself, huh? Yeah, probably a good plan. My name is Cirinian, or at least, that would be the handle most people know me as, though my character name is Wolkan Lodall. I have been rping for... seven some odd years now, give or take, and have done everything from MMO RP, to chat room RP, to forum RP, to simple 1x1 situations in things like Skype or Yahoo Messenger. I've been a fan of reading and writing for as long as I can remember, and back when I was... well, younger than I am now (Eighteen is hardly all growed up ^_^), when I learned that there was an amazing activity known as roleplaying, I was over the moon.


Outside of RP, I am an avid PC gamer, with interests ranging from MOBAS to MMOS to FPS's. Pretty much any genre you can think of, I've played at some point or another. I enjoy swimming a great deal when I am not locked in my room glued to my screen, and have actually gone through all of the necessary training to be a lifeguard! I am a huge fan of DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) as well, though unfortunately have never had the joy of joining an actual game or campaign. Nobody that I know outside of online situations is into the tabletop worlds like that one, and so I am often stuck alone, reading up on various rulebooks and adventures, with nobody to play them with. Sadface.


Anywho, that's enough of my babbling introduction, I do believe. If you want to get to know me better, or just... say hi, really, I'd be happy to talk with anyone and everyone. After all, that's the reason I came here, right? Hopefully I'll feel right at home in the RP community of FF in no time, and I can dive right into the fun!


Hope to see you all soon enough,


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Hello and Welcome!


First of all if your ever looking for help or just some random rp feel free to shoot me a tell! Second you came to the right server for RP but as one of the most populated servers it can be over whelming, Quicksands in Ul'dah is kinda the RP Hub but it is normally pretty populated, this website on its own is a very good place to start, rather it be posting in the RP connections a short description of your character and what your looking for and seeing who responds or looking over the linkshell hall to see if their is a community that you would fit into well. The community is very friendly and always very glad to help new people. 


If you have any questions or anything feel free to message me on here or on the game :3

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It can be overwhelming. I would suggest making a post with what you're searching for in a role-play and look through similar posts to see if your character might fill a void in someone else's story. Feel free to poke Kestrael Grymsthalwyn if you see her, she usually doesn't bite. :)


Hope you enjoy your time on Balmung!

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Friend Mia Moui.  


When I'm logged in, I'm almost always open to a RP experience (except ERP).  I don't play my character in chronological order.  I have experiences and then decide where these events occurred on my character's time line.  This way, I can be working as a barmaid near Quarrymill (in a small hamlet just off the side of the map no less) while also meeting people in any of the zones I can safely access.

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