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Character Creation Restriction Boss: Cleared


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Well it appears through the wonders of paid services, I have managed to create my little Miqo'te.  I've been having the itch that only role-play can scratch, so here I am.


And the QA from the template:


MMORPG background

Ye gods... I shall just stick to ones I have role-played in or we shall be here all week.

Asheron's Call


NWN (via persistent worlds)


EvE Online





RP experience

I have been around the block a few times when it comes to role-playing.  While I cut my teeth in table top, I rarely get to play anymore.  From there to LARPs and to MMOs. Asheron's Call was what hooked me on role-play within online games and it has set the tone for my role-play in MMO's since.  I often prefer to play supporting characters, I've no real need for the spotlight or to be the center of some grand plot-line.  My goal is to create as real of a character as possible.  The character should be something to add to the living breathing world that our stories reside within.  


Character ideas/info

Erah'sae is the last borne of his family of four brothers and two sisters.    This position of 'last son' equates to the least son in the eyes of his parents.  Through his life, there was only one expectation, more a demand, that he protect his sisters as his lowly birth rank was worthy of little else.  Recently his eldest sister has made her way to Ul'dah to study Thaumaturgy.  Erah'sae was sent to keep an eye on her.  


For the first time, however, he is out from under the direct thumb of his kin.  Perhaps he will prove his worth, not only to his family, but to himself.


Erah'sae has enrolled with the Gladiators in Ul'dah, taking up shield and blade to better protect his family and others.  His training thus far has not been much more than what part of the blade goes into the other person.


He also knows little of the world and it's history beyond his home, which gives ample opportunity to learn from others along the way.


Where his story goes from here, I really have no idea.  What happens will happen.


How did you learn about the coalition?

The great oracle of go'o'gle was consulted and was not found wanting!  Apparently I had stumbled across this place years ago when I first looked at FFXIV but as I never actually bought the game back then, the account has stayed dormant until this post.


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I am hoping to fall into the "Medium to Heavy" category.  While I am no stranger to heavy story, real life is what it is at times.


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I'll mostly be available on week nights and some weekends.  I have a full time job as a software engineer and am a father that will keep me busy during most days and often during the weekends.  I'm also a DJ for an EvE Online related radio which keeps my attentions tied up on Thursday nights.


My recent practice as a fractal designer/artist is also starting to take off and is slowly consuming more and more of my time.  I'm not really complaining though, even if it is a bit unexpected.


I hope to cross paths with you all in game.

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Welcome!  Yay to see another NWN-vet here! :)  What worlds did you play on?

I played heavily on Brynsaar, Aerth, and Amia over the years.  I have dabbled in a few others, but those three were where I spent the large majority of my time.

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Welcome!  Yay to see another NWN-vet here! :)  What worlds did you play on?

I played heavily on Brynsaar, Aerth, and Amia over the years.  I have dabbled in a few others, but those three were where I spent the large majority of my time.


I need to find more FRC and Cormyr & the Dalelands peeps.

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