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Some of you might recognize me, others might not. I've been around for awhile but I had no idea the RPC existed. >.> I'm not much of a forum go'er so this might be my only post but I am working on my Wiki as time permits. https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/User:Raevyn_Bajihri


As for me, I've been a roleplayer both table top and MMOs for about two decades now. My list of MMOs include EQ1/2, SWG, WoW, GW2, CoX, Champions Online, STO, NWO, and RIFT. I love roleplaying and I'm generally IC when walking through town.


Character Name: Raevyn Bajihri

Character Type: Miqo'te



Day(s) of the Week: Every day of the week

Time(s) of the Day: Noon - 2am PST


Frequent Locations: Ul'dah - Quicksand, Gridania - Carline Canopy

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