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Wayfarer's Rest: Hiring, Trading, and Open for Service!

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[align=center]The Wayfarers of Eorzea are proud to present[/align]

[align=center]Wayfarer's Rest[/align]





The opening of Wayfarer's Rest is nigh, but before we open our restaurant fully to the public we have a couple of opportunities for a few more FCs and players to make a connection with us first. If anything here catches your eye please don't hesitate to comment or send a PM.


We are looking for Traders and Trade Companies!

We are looking for both players and FCs alike that might possibly be willing to do business with us. We are looking for RP goods only! No physical items or gil are to be traded. I would very much prefer an actual company or person selling and delivering our food goods, alcohols, etc. to us than to say we simply get our supply from Ul'dah. But this can be almost any trade good so don't shy away if you are interested. Also, prior to our first open event, you will be invited to an Opening Night event we will hold for those who were associated with, or had a hand in the creation of, our venue as a thank you for contributing.


We are hiring Waitresses, Bartenders, and Chefs!

We are ever looking for more employees to help staff our tavern. All positions are open and are even available to dual-jobs; you can be a bartender when needed or a waitress when you aren't, etc. While we will hire non-FC members on a night to night basis, but we prefer our workers in our own company. Benefits include a level 8 FC, a beautifully furnished home, access to purchase your character a room, a friendly ooc atmosphere, company events, and plenty of roleplay. PM if you have any questions!

Here are a slew of random facts, preferences, and general information.

  • We will provide a uniform for Waitresses
  • Must have a courteous attitude towards others while working. (IC and OOC))
  • Most of our events will happen in the evenings of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 6 pm-12 pm EST.
  • Must be familiar with our menu (Our menu is still a WIP. The final draft will come later with more choices.)
  • Enjoy the RP! No really, we encourage those who really wish and enjoy this type of thing to apply; don't make yourself bored if you don't enjoy it.
  • Have 1 Linkshell Slot available
  • All waitresses are paid a flat 10,050 gil per night, Chefs and Bartenders are paid 15,000 per night. Give your char a reason of income!(RP currency only and amount is subject to change)



Venues are open to be scheduled!


While we are waiting to schedule our own public events, we are open to be used if you would like to schedule your own! Would you like a place for your FC to meet but can't afford your own FC house yet? Getting Married? Looking for the perfect place to host your reception or bachelor party? Stay in our Inn for your honeymoon and enjoy the hospitality. We are open to many situations in which we will rent out our building and staff for your event. Prices will vary per event, but are all IC costs. We've already scheduled two receptions and we have hosted a FC. Next time you are in the market for a venue send one of us a message and we would be happy to assist!


A private venue has access to:


  • Our downstairs Tavern, fully furnished for up to 35 people to sit comfortably.
  • Our full menu! (Menu is WIP, more items and detail will be added soon.)
  • Waitresses and Security.
  • Our Hot Tub/ Public Bath Room.
  • Inn rooms are available for rent in the occasion your members are too drunk to make it home.


If you would like any further information you can view our FC page(Also an ever WIP). I look forward to hearing any feedback or comments! Take care everyone!

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During a quick trip to Ul'dah, the Keeper paused at the poster board when spotting familiar faces. Zana'to let out a noisy yawn, while his tail flicked back side to side. "...What the hell is Rah doin' in a Chef outfit? Is he gonna be the bouncer, bartender or what...?" He questioned, mostly asking himself. He scratched at his cheek while his expression went deadpan. "...Twelve help us all if Gan cooks.." He muttered, before heading off to the Wayfarer's Rest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Giving this a quick bump as we are still offering trade opportunities/hiring. We will be hosting a reception next Friday, and the Friday after, the 27th, we will be officially open. An event will be posted soon.

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  • 1 month later...

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