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Academia Eorzea - New FC

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Academia Eorzea

RP Free Company

FC Master: Izayoi Fujiwara


[align=center]Academia Eorzea[/align]



'The Royal Academy of Eorzea' is proud to bring you the finest education from across Hydaelyn. With a diverse team of staff, an even more diverse curriculum, and hopefully willing students we aim to share the knowledge of the world with all who enter our doors.




[align=center]The Concept[/align]


 I would like to create an FC where everyone feels welcome first of all. I don't believe in exclusivity and so characters of all races and backgrounds will be welcome as both teachers and students.


 Now with that out of the way, I want to cover a wide variety of subject both practical and theory based. Subjects such as history, literature etc. will naturally be classroom based with a few field trips, and classes such as Conjury, Thaumaturgy etc. will be far more practical based.


 I am hoping to have some form of FC house that we can use as a school, though that would depend on the availability of plots and finances.


 With the backing of staff members, I would also like to invite guest speakers for one-off lectures from time to time.


 Though it isn't ironed out yet, I would like to have some sense of progression within the guild. Particularly from the students. Whether this will be IC awards ceremonies, or OOC rankins is up for discussion.




[align=center]Staff Structure[/align]

Ranks will be scholastic in theme, and are not set in stone as of yet.

FC Leader - Headmistress

Senior Officers - Deputy Headmaster/Headmistress

Officers- Heads of Department

Senior Members - Teaching Staff/Pastoral Staff

Members - Students, Assistant teachers



All members of the guild (with the exception of students) will be allowed to take on the role of teacher.



[align=center]The Curriculum[/align]


 Now the fun part! I would ideally like the syllabus to be diverse enough to attract a wide variety of students, but not so diverse that there are hundreds of staff members. Each department will have someone in charge, who will oversee it.



Conjury, Thaumaturgy, Arcanima, Astrology, Magical Theory



Melee Weapons Training (swords, axes, lances), Archery, Pugilism, Ninjutsu, Military Strategy and Manoeuvre



Smithing, Carpentry, Goldsmithing, Leatherworking, Weaving, Alchemy



History, Religion, Literature, Mathematics, Politics, Science



Healing, Dance, Music


Students are encouraged to take a variety of classes, one-to-one tutoring may also be available.




[align=center]About Me[/align]

 You're probably wondering by this point what my background in FC leadership is. In WoW I ran a successful small collegiate guild. We had some popular events, namely our open lectures, and some not so popular ones (turns out people hate school dances in-game too). I learned a lot from my experience and I'd like to bring that to FFXIV.


 Furthermore, IRL both my father and Grandfather are teachers. My father teaches Secondary English and History and my Grandfather was a university lecturer. I have grown up learning from them, and hope to pursue it as a career. As of now though, I am a riding instructor as a small horse riding school. So as you can see I have firsthand experience teaching.                

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1.) I am already in an FC, but I want to teach or attend class how can I do that?

I have set up a Linkshell for this purpose. "Part-time" staff and students can join to be kept up to date with the goings on of the Academy and events can be set up that way.


2.) How will you teach subjects that you don't find in-game?

We'll have to come up with our own methods for that. For now we can improvise until more lore becomes available, drawing on real life events.


3.) How will students progress?

I've put quite a bit of thought into this and I believe the best way for students to progress would be to have several ranks dedicated to students. This would function similarly to groups in a school and we would likely have an in-game event to show the moving up of a grade.


4.) How will students be graded?

Students will be (unofficially) graded on a Pass, Merit, Distinction basis and each will be equivalent to a certain number of credits. These credits will add up and once you reach a certain amount you can move up a group.



5.) How will recruitment work?



Like a normal school we will take applications. You should talk about your past education, notable feats, what you want to study, and what you want to progress into. Also included should be your past roleplay experience and any OOC details such as availability.  This will be reviewed by the staff and you will then have a formal IC interview, and an informal OOC interview.





Staff will be expected to submit a written application detailing their teaching experience, areas of expertise, the placement they are applying for, what they want to teach at the Academy, any other roles they wish to take on, and any ideas they have concerning the Academy. Your application will be read by the staff and you will then have an IC & OOC interview.

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Application Form

Please send all application to LadyCleriseaux on the RPC or MoogleMail them to Izayoi Fujiwara in-game (if choosing this route please include your RPC username)



Character name:




Position being applied for:

Past teaching experience:

Academic experience:

Notable accomplishments:

Reason for applying:

Other (any other details you want us to know):




Times available:


Past RP expereince:

Reason for applying:

Other (any other details you want us to know):





Character Name:




Past academic experience:

Notable accomplishments: 

What you want to study:

Where you want to progress:

Reason for applying:

Other (any other details you want us to know):




Times available:


Past RP expereince:

Reason for applying:

Other (any other details you want us to know):

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Putting this on hiatus.


Due to some unforseen circumstances, and me not being well, I simply can't put the time into running this FC. Hopefully things will calm down in the New Year but until then I can only devote so much time to FFXIV and subsequently to RP.


That beng said, I'm not toally disappearing, and I hope that I can continue to make lasting connections.

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Putting this on hiatus.


Due to some unforseen circumstances, and me not being well, I simply can't put the time into running this FC. Hopefully things will calm down in the New Year but until then I can only devote so much time to FFXIV and subsequently to RP.


That beng said, I'm not toally disappearing, and I hope that I can continue to make lasting connections.

Well i hope things improve soon.

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