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Trembling Boulder: Requires Help!

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How's it going everyone? Well, on this end it's going great and I hope the same can be said for you all.  With that out of the way, I suppose I should get to the point of this post.  I'm looking for you lore savvy players to help me craft Trembling Boulder into a lore friendly character.  Below I've posted some info. 


Lastly thank you all for taking the time, and effort.  Please know that anything I read from you all will be taken as good, constructive criticism!  


CS/ IC information.


Name: Trembling Boulder


Sex: Male


Race: Roegadyn


Clan: Hellsguard


Age: 26


Bio:  Like most second,  and third-born children of the Hellsguard clan.  Trembling Boulder was sent forth from his mountain village like many others before him, and made his way towards Ul'dah. Yet Trembling wasn't the second, or third-born he was in fact the first born with his younger brother only being a year behind him. It wasn't until he was older, that his village expressed worry. Trembling unlike his brother was very timid, thoughtful, passive, and far from fearless. 


"When he wields steel, he shakes so hard I swear if we where to leave it in his hands he'd shake the pommel right off. Don't even get me started on how bad his voice shakes when he's nervous." 


" He has the ferocity of a cactuar."


"He screams like a female hyur child." 


After much discussion the village decided to let Trembling leave,  and let his brother take his place.  After all who knew how many souls would pass by from the gates of the underworld if Trembling would be the one to stand guard.  Once the news was given to Trembling he took it with a soft smile, and a submissive nod.  After all it was out of his nature to be upset, angry, and deep down he understood why that choice had to be made.  



  However, besides choosing to reside there and becoming a Sell-sword. Trembling made his way towards Gridania after hearing about it's cooler climates, lush green forest, and lastly it's vegetation.  Upon arrival Trembling quickly feel in love.  Everything he had heard was true, and it wasn't long until Trembling found himself applying to the Conjures' Guild.  Once being accepted Trembling has devoted his life to respecting the elements, studying the art of the conjurer, and doing the bidding of the guild when a job feel in his lap.  ( Assuming the guild would give out task.) 



So, with that boring read out of your way. ( By the way thank you for reading it.) Feel free to point out any mistakes I've made referring to lore.  Oh,  and below this I've posted a few questions. 


Lore Questions.


1.) Is it alright that I have him learning the Conjurer class? ( Note. I have no intentions of making him a white mage. None. Zero.)


2.)  I've heard it before, but I wasn't able to find it.  But, Gridania tends to not like outsiders. If this is true would Trembling still be able to join the Conjures' guild?  Also after some time within Gridania would it be safe to say the people slowly start to 'tolerate' him?


3.)  Could I RP him as a conjurer, but perhaps use a book icly to channel the spells? Only reason I ask is cause I really favor being a SCH healer over a WHM Oocly. 


4.) Speaking of spells.  Would someone mind to fill me in on how magic works? I'm assuming a conjurer pleads to the elements and then use aether to make the healing spell?

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1) Yeah, hell you could find some reasons why you were doing WHM but might have some angry folks (NPC WHMs would probably want to hunt down your character due to him having succor without their permission.)


2) Gridania doesn't like adventures because sometimes bad stuff happens with them. They live in a place where a man made forest fire could piss off their landlords. However, it is more of a generic glare toward the outsiders than super restrictive; most of the leaders can see passed the bad apples. If he was there long enough people would probably like him especially if he had reverence toward elementals."


3) Conjurers use wood and other natural things to help channel aether from the natural world. So while unconventional, if your book was properly crafted with materials similar to the staves and whatnot of Conjurers, I don't see why he couldn't use a book as his focus.


4) Well... plead is a very um general term. Conjurers generally just tap the aether of the natural world around them. (Hence why we can see conjurers doing really nasty things (Enemies and a certain woman who will remain nameless) If they are doing something really aether dependent (something huge) NPCs have called upon the elementals for aid. However, not all conjurers can hear the elementals. If you do the Conjurer quest line up to 30 it gives you a good idea on conjury do's and don'ts. But in the case of conjurers they tend to be a conduit, you could almost thinl of them as a living 'aetheric array' that arcanists use. More... feeling and less thinking. (Magic vs Science sort of).

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Thanks for the feedback Iex, I'm really grateful for it. 


But, just to make it clear I have no intentions of making him into a WHM or even playing around with the idea in general.  Also thank you for making that clear to me on the magic aspect,  I've done a few for the quest and I was just confused on the proper way to emote it.  As for the book idea I think I'll stick with a staff.  I'm not wanting to make him into a special snowflake.  


Once more,  thank you so much!

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Your backstory looks solid and definitely seems as though you've already looked up most available Hellsguard lore! I'll put an answer to your questions, but if you have more feel free to ask!


If you do want more lore on the Five Races, I'd recommend this race lore compilation post.


1.) Is it alright that I have him learning the Conjurer class? ( Note. I have no intentions of making him a white mage. None. Zero.)


Yes, absolutely! Though you may not immediately be thrust into duties of great importance to the Stillglade Fane, they do accept foreigners into their ranks. That said, many conjurers of the Stillglade Fane do not believe that outsiders are capable of hearing the call of the elementals. The guild leadership knows this is false, but there are many conjurers who hold to their prejudices.


Hearing the voices of the elementals is one of the most difficult feats a mortal might attempt' date=' Gridanian or no. Many are they who never achieve this goal, and end their days without ever having attained the true power of the conjurer. It is the nature of adventurers like yourself to aim high─to accomplish great things. And that is why our way is open to you. You are free to take what you have learned here and spread that wisdom throughout Eorzea─to serve the Twelveswood from afar.[/quote']


I confess' date=' at first I was opposed to allowing adventurers into the Conjurers' Guild. But we have come to realize that many of your ilk are sought out and summoned by the elementals.[/quote']



2.)  I've heard it before, but I wasn't able to find it.  But, Gridania tends to not like outsiders. If this is true would Trembling still be able to join the Conjures' guild?  Also after some time within Gridania would it be safe to say the people slowly start to 'tolerate' him?


Gridania is like any other living thing. She keeps her health by expelling foulness. And I mean no disrespect' date=' lady, but you are part of that foulness—an outsider. [/quote']


It is very true that Gridania is against Outsiders. That said, they've been forced into tolerance of many outsiders since the events of the Calamity. It should not keep you from becoming a conjurer, as I said in the above.



3.)  Could I RP him as a conjurer, but perhaps use a book icly to channel the spells? Only reason I ask is cause I really favor being a SCH healer over a WHM Oocly. 


Ehhhhhhh, that's iffy. I'd personally recommend separating the OOC healing from the IC healing class if that's the case. Here's a detailed post on magic foci that you may find helpful. Essentially, Conjurers require a stave or wand of unworked or living wood in order to better channel magic.



4.) Speaking of spells.  Would someone mind to fill me in on how magic works? I'm assuming a conjurer pleads to the elements and then use aether to make the healing spell?


Here's a few thread posts that you may find helpful!

-Conjurer & White Mage Lore Compilation

-Spell Casting Questions



Hope this helps!

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I saw you in-game earlier today and almost wanted to hug your character just for the name, so when I saw your topic listed here I had to come and pay a visit, ahah.


In any case, I can't  really help much with the lore, not without mentioning anything that hasn't been said already at least, but if Sounsyy has doubts about the use of a book as a Conjurer then I'd take assume that's as accurate an answer as you're going to get. Technically, there's nothing from stopping you from taking such a route and perhaps no-one will ever comment or think much of it, but if lore-adherence is important to you then you may want to consider an IC and OOC separation as suggested.

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