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Dread Wyrms Looking for New Crew Members!

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[align=center]The Dread Wyrms Free Company is now recruiting! [/align]



If it wasn't obvious from the ridiculous amount of cannons on our front lawn, or the battle ready airships or the way our leader has a habit of saying 'Yarrr' in hopes he can fool people into thinking he's a pirate... yeah, we are pirates. Skypirates, to be exact! 


We are preparing for our maiden voyage next week, but we are in dire need of a larger crew! Is your character a pirate? Or simply good at looking intimidating and spitting? (Pirate training is available if needed.) Maybe they like exploring and treasure hunting... or have a habit of making purses go missing, we could use those sneaky types. Or does your character tinker in engineering and have an affinity for technology or flying? We're hoping to have a great fleet of ships armed to the teeth so you'll definitely have something to play with! Well, we're after people with those skills or interests, so if you meet any of those criteria, there's a home for you in our crew.


But you don't have to be a badass pirate or a excellent machinist to join, oh no. If you can help us in anyway, we can probably find you something to do... like clean the decks or serve us grog. It's not glamorous but you got to start somewhere, right? We are also in a big need of healers, so if your character can cast cure and kiss boo-boos better we're interested!


A little bit about us... the Dread Wyrms are a quirky bunch of unique characters that can hold their own, whether that's in a fight or a battle of wit. We host weekly roleplay events and have our own unique battle system that can be personalised to suit your character and their fighting style. The free company is rank 8 with a beautifully decorated mansion and we roleplay together on a regular, usually daily basis. If we're not roleplaying, we're usually doing PvE shenanigans and chatting on Discord.


If you are interested in joining us or wanna ask a few questions, feel free to post or PM here on the forums, or send me a tell in game on Oyuu Dataq or X'rhen Tia. We also have a website where you can apply to join us, feel free to have a browse and see what we're really about. And here's a link to our linkshell page, just because! 


Thanks for reading!

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We are also open to alliances and collaborations with other free companies and players. Have booty that needs getting? In need of our airships? If you have a job for us, please let us know and we can have a chat about it and arrange something!

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Just a little bump! 


We've had three new awesome members join recently but we're still looking for a few more! If you have any queries please free to post or message me here on the forums! Thanks for reading. :)

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Update! The Dread Wyrms are also looking for healers! Our crew have a talent for getting themselves into trouble and getting a few boo-boos, so we need some more healers to help our dear Vice Admiral and Chief Healer, Shiori Eikitaika. If interested, please send me a PM or reply below! Thanks for reading.

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Good group of people! Check them out and bring treats for the captain.



Are you implying that the dreaded captain of the dreaded Dread Wyrms can be placated with common pastries and overly large novelty jars of jelly beans?  I have never been so insulted!


Things that also insult Captain K'hatos, that you should not bring him:


- Funnel Cake

- Marble Cake

- Upside Down Cake

- Strawberry Shortcake

- Strawberry Longcake

- Loganberry Jam filled cheesecake bites

- Candied peacans

- An entire croquembouche

- Eclairs

- Chocolate croissants

- Fudge

- Double fudge

- Tiramisu

- Gelato  

- An iron lung filled with maraschino cherries and whipped cream

- A chocolate replica of Billy Crystal hosting the 2012 Oscars

- A beekeeper's suit made entirely of taffy

- A giant hourglass filled with M&M's instead of sand

- A scale model of Venice made entirely of marzipan

- White chocolate and macadamia nut Taj Mahal.

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