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In need of some new connections and linkshells

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Hi everyone!


So, I've been around for a while. Here, (as a lurker) and in game. Lots of RP has been had, I have a good pool of friends, but something happened.


A lot of my friends list became disinterested in the game, and my unofficial FC pretty much went completely dark. 90% of my RP went poof literally overnight. 


I joined up with a non-RP FC for a bit of a break and it's been okay for the past 2 months but I really miss structured RP with an FC or a linkshell. I have a lot of free room for some RP linkshells, and I would love to join a couple to get a good feel of the RP climate right now. It's been a while since I've been really, really in it.


Mayu is an IC Astrologian and hunter/gatherer type who spends much of her time in the Shroud or wandering around. Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te. Friendly yet becoming more and more reserved as she ages. If anyone has a spot for her in their RP or in their LS, I would be much obliged. Please hit me up in game or on here and we can set something up!


Thank you!

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*Snooze bubble pops*


While it's still in the early stages, Circle of Healing is a linkshell I created and I would be happy to extend you an invitation to it if you're into that sort of thing. Lots of people from various FCs to chat with and the linkshell IS in character which I'm hoping everyone will get in on and enjoy in time.


Just reply here or by FPM or prod me in game on Doc Oak to join.




*Snooze bubble*

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*Snooze bubble pops*


While it's still in the early stages, Circle of Healing is a linkshell I created and I would be happy to extend you an invitation to it if you're into that sort of thing. Lots of people from various FCs to chat with and the linkshell IS in character which I'm hoping everyone will get in on and enjoy in time.


Just reply here or by FPM or prod me in game on Doc Oak to join.




*Snooze bubble*



I would love to join, thank you!!

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Gonna be honest, wouldn't know how to orchestrate an RP scenario with your character since he's an Ul'dah kinda guy, but would like to RP sometime nonetheless.


She hangs out in Ul'dah quite a bit, actually.

Ah, good good, I'll bother you sometime then! Thanks for clearing that up.


I look forward to it. Please feel free to add me to your friends list so we can arrange something! Mayu likes to wander around Ul'dah quite often - she thinks it's pretty :3

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