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Oh look, an introduction!


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So it occurs to me that, despite having been lurking around the forums for a while now, I haven't actually really introduced myself to the masses, so, here goes!


I've been RPing in MMOs for about five years ago, with stints in WoW, The Secret World, Tera, and SWTOR before I came to Final Fantasy. I (somewhat) recently transferred to Balmung from Gilgamesh, after having played there for a year or so, and I've been lurking around trying to make friends and cause trouble ever since.


I've got two characters on Balmung at the moment. Aekira Swyfte, my main, is an awkward, alcoholic archer who finds missing people for a living. He's usually found in the Ul'dah area, most likely near the Quicksand unless he's getting beaten up at the Grindstone. My other character is Hiro Matsubara, an cheerful arcanist with some bad amnesia. He's usually in Limsa, but I intend to be branching him out soon enough. I've got Wiki pages set up for both characters, as well as a character blog at http://aekira-swyfte.tumblr.com 


Outside of RP, I'm an aspiring artist who loves animation and spends way too much time playing Fire Emblem at the moment. I'm excited to delve further into the Balmung RP scene and I look forward to meeting more of you! Thanks for reading!

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Thank you all for such a warm welcome! I really appreciate it.


@Faye, though... Business, you say? ',: )


I've got a character looking for a potentially dead acquaintance she has yet to track down!

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