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Hello Everyone!

Suna Rokuyari

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Hello, everyone!


I am a lurker and I finally decided to join the forum. I have had an interest to Role play with FFXIV, but unfortunately most of my friends think it's a waste of time. So I finally made a character on Balmung and holy moley, It's quite different than my old server! It's refreshing to see so many people actively rping in character.


I have been a bit shy to start Role Playing with folk. It took alot of time just for me to fess up and make this account. I really love your guy's characters.


Anyways, this is Suna!




She's my baby.  She is a bit shy and quiet. However, she loves being in the company of others. She used to be a performer (parlor card tricks) in the Gold Saucer before she became a Thaumaturge. She mostly keeps to her self and enjoys watching the hustle and bustle of other Adventurers from a distance. She loves animals and can sometimes be seen with a kitten following behind her.


Eventually I want to Rp with others but for right now I just wanted to introduce my self and my character!


It's nice to meet you all!

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I can relate to your sentiments about others not "getting" RP. One of my friends is into it, but not so much the others. Oh well, it's their loss! I just recently truly started it myself, and my best advice is to not sweat it so much and just jump in one day! (It's what I had to do.) The Grindstone event every Saturday is a great place for some RP without putting too much pressure on yourself, if I may make a suggestion.


Anyways, welcome to the forum!

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Welcome to the RPC and hope you have a good time making friends here.


I suggest coming to some of the RP events, especially ones that are good 'mixers' and are designed to encourage interactions between everyone. A lot of events are posted in the Events Forum here on the RPC but some are on Tumblr so if you're active there it might be worth a look. Try searching for "Balmung RP Events". 


Hope we can cross paths at some point!

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