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Looking for more RP connections!

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Hey everyone! Title pretty much says it all. I'm looking for more people to RP with, as that well's been running a little dry these days. I'm really up for anything, and am willing to tag along to any story plots others may have set up! I like learning more about others' characters and find it fun to participate. Interested? Post here or shoot me a /tell in game. 99% chance I'll respond (The other 1% is me being AFK and brain-farting, so if I don't respond for a while, poke me again!).

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"Nehlu met her hero in Gridania a few days ago! Ohhh but I so embarrassed myself. I just ran up to her and started babbling and she looked at me like i was crazy. She was really nice though. It's not her fault that I couldn't say anything right!"



Love Rping with Mhaya, she's been a good friend for a long time!

I loved this! /tell sometime and hit me up!

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