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former forum rper looking to get back in the swing of things


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Firstly, hi. I've been playing FFXIV for about four-and-a-half months now and my FC has been quite lovely in making sure I'm settled in and all that good stuff. And this is the longest I've gone in an RPG without seeking RP, so, hey, I've set my own personal record. So I figure it's about time to break it.


Heard about you all from a fellow FC member, figure I'd dive right in (after jotting down a few hasty notes and getting a quick name change; the first name I'm too enamored with, so the surname will have to be good enough!) and hope the water's not too deep, as I'm dreadful at anything past a doggy paddle. Living in the South has, sadly and curiously enough, done me no favors in the swimming department.


IRL I'm a medic student as well as a librarian, so I make time for FFXIV when I can (which is a surprising amount). But, I don't like to push my FC to the side, so, until I learn how Aquila (my lovely Xaela Au Ra main) as a character developing fits into all of that, any RP I'll be participating will be light to medium initially. No doubt as I find my footing I'll be heavy into it all, as was the case with my previous MMOs (Guild Wars 1,2, WoW, etc., etc., but those were the main ones of note).


As mentioned a bit before, still catching my place with Aquila's character, but I'm getting avid about it all. I'll link the thread here once I have it up, in case anyone's interested in reading and/or RPing with me in the near future.


Thanks for your time and happy gaming!

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Welcome to the RPC! *waves*


You mention you do forum rp... are you also looking for ingame rp as well?

I am quite amenable to both! But I just have more experience and am more comfortable with the former, but Guild Wars 2 has made me get used to the latter. That being said, I won't shun any RP, unless it's explicit; I'm more of a fade-to-black sort.

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