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Stay awhile and read (and maybe notice me roleplayer-senpai)

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The following interaction is not the least bit canon but the problems definitely are. Time to smash the 4th wall for a little bit.


"...so I can't use this axe." Kurt points to the parashu replica on the table, the very same one his red panda, Kojuro, was sitting on. "..for botany? Is that about right? I mean are you sure? I think I can control my strength enough not to make the tree shatter into a glorious burst of a million splinters."


"Yes, Kurt, stop asking the man the same question over and over. Besides, my issue's more important." Nah's ears and tail pricked up, agitated hearing the other guy ask the same thing to the reader person. "Now, do you know anyone, anyone at all who can help me pick up a new fighting style. I mean I sort of got to level 52 then had to help dad around the shop for so long all my skills decayed to level 1 and my equipment was sold under my nose." She sniffs, over the course of her explanation her ears pressed flat against her head, while her tail just coiled around the leg of the chair she sat on.


"Oh I'd teach you, Nah, if I could but we can't exactly exist at the same time now can't we. Anyway, obviously you'd agree with me that her isn't as pressing as mine since I'm sort of just...poor at the moment. So yes if I can't use the antique parashu to harvest crystals and the like from a tree that means I have to sink more into a few more tools? For a smaller axe so I can start well weaving and cooking in ea-"


"-You know you still have to fish right?" Nah added. "So that's one more you'll have to sink your gil into." Her lips twisting into her ever bright smile. "Well anyway if you can find someone to help me get back into the swing of things, I'd very much love to meet them. Also if you can find maybe someone I can talk business with." Bolting up from her seat she dipped low in a bow and waved her hands. "Well I just need to put that out really, but I can't say, dad still needs help in the shop!" 


Kurt watched the miqo'te leave the blackened room, before sighing and shrugging. He stared at the reader and leaned in, confident that the miqo'te was now out of earshot. "Don't tell her anything but I'm also looking for someone to start me off on the right foot in Thaumaturgy. Half the time I think I'm just flailing around in the dark. And I guarantee you I'm quick study sort of..." He pushed himself up and off the chair, picking the axe up and waving his panda over. "Come on Kojuro, we still have things to do too." 


The panda climbed up the midlander's leg, traversed his back and perched onto his shoulder, digging it's claws into the fabric of the man's shirt. No sooner had Kurt taken a few steps away when the panda started clawing his face again. "Gah no, no, you wait for your food, I don't even know how far we are from the Goblet." He scolds the animal rather sharply, the same animal that sort of just ignored him and continued lightly scratching his face as he walked away from the reader.



So basically Nah's on the lookout for someone to help train her, help her get back into the swing of things. As well as business contacts for her Gridanian shop, the same shop she and her dad(NPC) runs. The shop in question deals in sundry goods as well as some rare curiosities that Nah comes across in her adventuring. Perfect for if you want an IC dungeon run or a region wide hunt for X item. As for Nah herself, what with being a shopkeep more than adventurer in recent days, someone could mentor her in puglism! (since I can just borrow Nivie from my cousin if I wanted to play NIN)) It works too because then she can be that shopkeep that can bootshine the daylights out of a wannabe thief. 


Kurt on the other end of the spectrum's trying to pursue less violent practices, a spot of botany perhaps. Though the main vices here are WVR and CUL. He's also on the lookout for someone to help him with Thaumaturgy, I think Ququki's on top of it, just gotta set something up with her. BUT I'm not opposed to him having several mentors, at best he comes up with an amalgamation of styles, at worst he'll be sorely confused. This ties into his idea that maybe his (piss poor)aether is just like a muscle, he just has to start using it more and pushing the limits. And what better way than the class that advertises raw stopping power! Since, you know, a run in with an excess discharge of aether left him spasming in the middle of Quickie Sands!


Anyway if you don't know how to approach either character. That's ocake, we can work something out. If you have an idea on how to approach them that's decadent ocake!


I look forward to rping more again!


*puts up the double digit views, no response sign*


Oh right even, most EST evenings are fine with me up until like 12:30 midnight. And I think EST Fridays and Saturdays are good for me too!

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Jana could be convinced to mentor someone in pugilism but there's no guarantee she'd do a good job, beyond beating your character up all the time. Good luck.




Punch catte beating up an aspiring punch catte? @u@-b at the very least it'd be a good metric as to how far Nah can really go and how much further she can go.



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Jana could be convinced to mentor someone in pugilism but there's no guarantee she'd do a good job, beyond beating your character up all the time. Good luck.




Also what's a good time I can poke you or something :3


I'd love to see how H'nora and Kurt got along. She couldn't really help with any training but she is a great friend and could definitely help him get in trouble...


Getting into trouble...




What's a good time to poke you? @u@-b

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I'd love to see how H'nora and Kurt got along. She couldn't really help with any training but she is a great friend and could definitely help him get in trouble...


Getting into trouble...




What's a good time to poke you? @u@-b


Anytime I'm on is a great time to poke me. I'm still leveling but I will always RP over PVE. My hours online can be a little silly because of work but late evenings to nighttime EST is my sweetspot.

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I was wondering why you did that. What is the date for the upcoming event entitled "Stay a while and read"?


It's whenever you're free. But really I was thinking of maybe an IC dungeon run unsynced where we get our asses kicked and Kurt hauls you back in with him this time sporting his axe and a sky pirate duds and finishing the job.

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