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[FEEDBACK] Doodle above you!


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Belated thanks to AekiraSwythe for that adorable Marcy! Thank you so much. Someone grab their handsome lad!

I'm so glad you approve! Marcy was a ton of fun to draw. (Especially his hair. And his freckles. :D)


Anyway this challenge is a ton of fun and I def recommend it to anyone considering, of every skill level! It's a good challenge, particularly if you're not familiar with the character you're drawing.

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I know this is for funsies and all but dammit there are so many amazing artists to be put aside to and it is scurry you gaiz.


Maybe I shall summon the courage to join in.


...and I promise it's not just to get arts of my character, oh no. Srsly.

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Totally get the scary part! But I promise, no one is judging! The only judgement I am making is all of these amazing artists not posting come onnnn I want to see all of the characters.


I'll tag the next person that tags Alderique because he's the hero that thread deserves.

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Updated with drawing of Aekira, finally! Had a rough couple of days but there he is.



seriously, I have been frantically checking the page all week hoping for Aekira: Alderique Edition and I cannot be happier with the results!


AND TO STEEL WOLF! Please! Come join us! We don't bite, I promise. Nor do we criticize for ANYBODY shamelessly wanting art of their character. I mean... come on. I TOTALLY want art of my boy. JOIN ME IN MY LACK OF SHAME, AND DESIRE FOR COOL ART.

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Updated with drawing of Aekira, finally! Had a rough couple of days but there he is.



seriously, I have been frantically checking the page all week hoping for Aekira: Alderique Edition and I cannot be happier with the results!


AND TO STEEL WOLF! Please! Come join us! We don't bite, I promise. Nor do we criticize for ANYBODY shamelessly wanting art of their character. I mean... come on. I TOTALLY want art of my boy. JOIN ME IN MY LACK OF SHAME, AND DESIRE FOR COOL ART.


Gushing Thread is Gushing! Thank you. I hadn't forgotten, just was caught up with some things and hadn't gotten around to drawing, but I wanted to draw this hyur man.


Thank you Meishali <3. That's wonderful. That's my expression when I find miqo'te FC mates hanging out in my room and jumping on/wetting my bed. I am pleased the thread is active. It's a fun prompt!

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Anytime, my good sir. I'm used to such threads, or rather, was used to them--BACK IN YE OLE TIMES WHEN I LURKED FORUMS. 


I'll probably ask for people to draw my alts next time.


I encourage a LOT of people to use these :^) I had my FFXIV characters /literally/ drawn twice. I've been here for quite a while now so I'm like... dang man... that's kinda sad...

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I'm so glad this thread is taking off! You guys are the best. It's so great to go through it and scroll and see all the characters and responses, thanks for everyone that posted!


ODETTE holy crap, my sad garbage child, my whiny indie rock baby. Thank you he is perfect :c Sorry for rushing in ahead of you, hope the weather is easing up!

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I'm glad you like it! There's still things I'm unhappy with (nose mostly!) but it's good practice! Thank you for giving me a reason, beyond my studies, to pick up the tablet pen again~ ♥


The weather has improved, though still remains perfect for reading through the Witcher series. A+++


Edit: I think there's been some recent confusion of the doodle thread's structure.

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@Odette: The nose is pretty close! You nailed his expression and I'm just in love with how you handle freckles. Very happy with it :)


Thanks for letting me know there's been some confusion, hopefully this clears it up:


Please make sure to tag the person in front of you and post your character's references. To avoid confusion, make sure to refresh the thread before posting. It's better to tag ahead and then edit your post later to include the character artwork.


Skips happen (forums can lag sometimes), and I will try to fill those in when they do, unless someone does it ahead of me! Remember to post in the feedback thread if you have any concerns/questions, or just PM me directly.


I'll grab Coatletique once they post references, since it seems like they were accidentally skipped :)

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