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Seeking a dark knight mentor

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Hello all! My character, Kinono Kino has heard of dark knights and rumours of dark knights and wants very badly to try and be one.


Info on Kinono can be found here, though it's not terribly up to date or fun to read, mostly because formatting a wiki page isn't my idea of fun. Apologies!


Ideally, I'd prefer the profession to be presented as it is presented in the story, with powers driven by emotion and not just "dark magic" or whatever.


If there is anyone with even a sort of passing interest feel free to message me on here or in game, or post on this topic and we can talk details and questions.


Thank you for your time!

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Hi there! I'm about to crash for the night so forgive me for not being online. I think this would be right up Mhaya's alley, as she's currently looking for people to teach! I'd love to set up some RP sometime, and you're welcome to find me in-game or shoot me a PM. (I'll likely be around tomorrow around noon EST, and anytime after 5 PM EST!) I'd love to talk details and make this happen!

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Hi there! I'm about to crash for the night so forgive me for not being online. I think this would be right up Mhaya's alley, as she's currently looking for people to teach! I'd love to set up some RP sometime, and you're welcome to find me in-game or shoot me a PM. (I'll likely be around tomorrow around noon EST, and anytime after 5 PM EST!) I'd love to talk details and make this happen!


Wow, I wasn't expecting to get a response so fast (or at all)! I get home around 8 EST today so if its not too late I'll try to poke you in game or send you a PM then!


Nebula has experience with talking to dark knights and even loosing someone to it. So if you want a nosy well meaning meddlesome witch frowning at you let me know.


Well-meaning meddling and frowning are always fun and would definitely add an interesting element! I would most certainly appreciate something like that.

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