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Welcome from snowy SC

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Just took a few picture of the ice and snow that we got here.  Thought I post them here.



Taken from the front pouch.  Sorry about the ice droplets on the screen.



The street is a sheet of ice.  Not sure if I'll be able to go into work tomorrow morning.  Have to wait and see if the sun comes out enough to melt the road enough for me to get out of the yard.



Taken from the back door.  I think there are calling for more snow this evening/tonight.



Bonus: This is my 10 year old boy, Safire.  He was not happy with the cold and was wanting me to let him back in, even though he was the one to follow me out on the pouch in the first place.

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That's he is and he owns the house, he just let us live there.


Tis a mere dusting!

A mere dusting for you but this is the south where a dusting has the city shut down in panic.  I work the day before this hit and the store was slam pack.  Couldn't keep carts in the store...so much so that customers were coming out to the parking lot to get them from us as we was collecting the few that was out there.

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BajihriTis a mere dusting!

A mere dusting for you but this is the south where a dusting has the city shut down in panic.  I work the day before this hit and the store was slam pack.  Couldn't keep carts in the store...so much so that customers were coming out to the parking lot to get them from us as we was collecting the few that was out there.


Seconded from NC! It's not as bad as what some DC and VA friends are getting but work did get cancelled here today and all that. Hearing people trying to drive out in front of my house makes me glad I parked my car in the drive way (in the back) rather than on streetside.

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BajihriTis a mere dusting!

A mere dusting for you but this is the south where a dusting has the city shut down in panic.  I work the day before this hit and the store was slam pack.  Couldn't keep carts in the store...so much so that customers were coming out to the parking lot to get them from us as we was collecting the few that was out there.


Seconded from NC! It's not as bad as what some DC and VA friends are getting but work did get cancelled here today and all that. Hearing people trying to drive out in front of my house makes me glad I parked my car in the drive way (in the back) rather than on streetside.


I am also from NC! I didn't have school anyway today, so it wasn't much of an inconvenience. Over in Raleigh there has been a reported 20,000 people without power. The number has most likely increased. I am fortunate enough that where I live, the power hasn't gone out and there isn't much freezing rain. Just lots of sleet and a bit of snow.


Luckily, I didn't make any plans this Weekend either.

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Tis a mere dusting!

Yep, here it would hardly be noticed by anyone except kids hoping that it was the start of a big snowfall to get school cancelled (and here, it would have to be a LOT to get school cancelled).


But I remember once back when I was going through chemo (I was about 4 or 5 at the time), we were down south and the city we were in pretty much came to a standstill from a light snow.  Some people were complaining loudly in a restaurant about the "awful weather" when I decided to ask "Why doesn't the city just plow the streets?".  I was told they didn't have one, and I innocently replied "Oh.  Why not, is this town too poor for one?".


Took me another 5 years before I figured out why everyone was laughing so hard (and why I got a free dessert for being "so cute").  I honestly had no idea that winter wasn't the same everywhere.

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Had another 3 inches hit yesterday but we were lucky as well with the ice so we still have power.  But yeah, we have plow and sand truck but pretty much they only do the highways and main roads.  Secondary and side streets, like mine, will never see them.  Thankfully the sun came out and melted the stuff off the road but I'm still going have to gun my car out of the yard to make it through the 4 to 6 inches of snow that's behind it.


And then I'll have to make up for the entire day of work that I missed yesterday because I was stuck inside.  Eager to see your pics MBajihri, probably way more then I got here.

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