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Adventures in Eorzea (An FC might be nice too!))

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Rurumo Ruru is in need of fellow adventuring, academically inclined people to accompany her in her travels. However, she could also use someone to keep the beasts at bay. I am also looking for an FC I saw advertised in Gridania, but did not catch the name of. It was being advertised as an academic and friendly FC, and foolishly I forgot to take the name of the person in charge. Or, if there are other FC's that would fit her, please let me know,


If you're interested, please send me a tell in game, as I'm on fairly often. 


I am looking for:


people in general


heavy story telling 


a steady adventuring partner


a friend.


Character sheet for Ruru is available, just ask.


Class Information: Lvl 60 WHM and AST


Timezone: GMT +8

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If you're looking for an academy, it might be St. Reinette's University - http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/freecompany/9236179148295177728/ 

They're plenty friendly people there at least, I've talked with them a few times. 

Higura Gainishigi is their leader, you can see other people on their roster in my link if you want contact with any of them.


I also think Ul'dah Garden does some teaching/academy type stuff: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=14961

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If you're looking for an academy, it might be St. Reinette's University - http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/freecompany/9236179148295177728/ 

They're plenty friendly people there at least, I've talked with them a few times. 

Higura Gainishigi is their leader, you can see other people on their roster in my link if you want contact with any of them.


I also think Ul'dah Garden does some teaching/academy type stuff: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=14961

I don't think that was it, but this one looks good too. I think the person in charge of the one I missed might've been an Elezen, because they had a fancy, long name.

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