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Would You Like Some Roe?

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...no, not that roe.






So I made an alt. Slowly working my way up to level 40 as of my writing this. Thing is, I'm finding it a bit difficult in finding a fit for her, and so I'm gonna put out a feeler here and hope that maybe something develops.


Allow me to introduce, formally...Thundering Castle.


The Character

Born Doenborg Berkswys, "Cass" as she prefers to be called is a former bodyguard and handmaiden of Ishgard. The noble house she was once employed by was dissolved after the heirs to the family fortune were killed in action against the Dravanians and the surviving sire cast himself from the Pillars in his grief. As a result of these events and an attack at Ishgard proper, she fled the Holy See, severed from her homeland and the only connection to nobility she had known.


After some time, she found herself living in Gridania, hoping to strike a new life with aspirations of joining the Wood Wailers. However, the myriad adventurers and tales of their exploits stirred in her the courage to seek out life beyond the Shroud. Combined with word that Ishgard had once more opened her gates, her mind was set.


Cass is a woman born and raised to service of nobility, and carries herself with the measured grace and softspoken tone of her former vocation. That said, she was also a bodyguard instead of a just a simple housemaiden, and carries formidable strength and a dogged will to defend those considered her charges. She prefers the use of a lance, allowing her to keep threats at bay long enough for those she protects time to escape. Due to the events of her life in Ishgard, she carries an incredibly deep fear of dragons despite having managed to take on a wyvern when her former master's house was being attacked. She is impossibly polite and holds a gentle hand despite her size, but will also use that same size to ensure that she is not pushed around.


The Goals

Cass' motivations are simple enough, yet challenging to attain - she wishes to regain a sense of honor and purpose above and beyond her previous wants in Gridania. Ultimately, a return to Ishgard is a keen desire, but she also knows that the dragons have not made it quite the same, and so she hopes to become a bulwark and companion to those in need and to the adventurers she admires.


While she carries formidable power and focus with her lance, companionship can also be bought off of the battlefield. Therefore, she is not against being a comfort to the road-weary adventurer or a helper in an establishment that aids others. If a soft word, a warm hand or a bright smile is required, she can ably provide just as much as she can offer defense and protection.


The Player

Okay, here's where things get tricky...


This character is an alt of my main, Steel Wolf. Regardless, I'm hoping to pour more attention and development in to Cass. However, my bigger hurdle is my playtimes being rather sporadic. I am working when most major events are happening. My weekend is the rest of the universe's middle of the week. Even on weekends, I usually won't see the inside of Eorzea until after 12:30am EST if at all.


I'm hoping that Cass can find a place to use her strengths as well as a place to hopefully work out and play her weaknesses. She, like any RP character, is a work in progress, and Cass is a character that I hope will be a fixture in the plots, plans or ideas of others that need some elegant knightly Roelady flavor.


Thank you for taking the time to read. <3

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I've recently made the switch to a new character myself - Lucius Baelthar - and I'd be more than happy to meet up with you in-game for some RP sometime! Known as Lucas Ridgefield whilst in Eorzea he's currently posing as a mercenary whilst he does odd jobs to keep up the charade. I'm very interested in anything that involves picking up a contract and heading out to slay a few bandits or rabid beasts; so if that intrigues you then you're more than welcome to get in touch!

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