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Former Pirate Seeking Friends!

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Look at that title.  It almost makes this sound like some sort of single's ad, doesn't it?


Hello!  New player on Balmung here.  In fact, new player to FFXIV.  Hell, new to Final Fantasy in general, if you can imagine that.  I haven't touched a Final Fantasy game before this one, outside of FFVII once for like five minutes while my friend played and even then all I remember is that Cloud was there and... yeah.  But uh, this isn't about my history with Final Fantasy (although it's a good history to know to prepare yourself for what you're getting into), this is about looking for role play with my lovely (aspiring) Summoner, Cosse!


Cosse became a pirate at an early age, mid to late teens (the exact details are fuzzy and not really important to the entire concept), and went straight along with a lot of other pirates in Limsa Lominsa.  She still feels the call of the sea, and will never pass up the opportunity to get a good whiff of a strong sea breeze, but it's been long enough that she has developed her land legs, and her wanderlust has taken her to several different parts of Eorzea thus far.


She's a bit snarky and sarcastic, but otherwise enthusiastic to win her fame and gain her riches.  She enjoys good company but would rather meet and greet on the road than at some alehouse, having done plenty of that in her life already.  She's an adventurer!  She's out to see the world and kill monsters one terribly painful spell at a time!


Obviously the character is still new, but I'm excited to work out the kinks with other players as she develops through RP.  Feel free to message here or send me a PM, or straight up add me in-game if you're interested.  I'd love to shoot the shit with folks and make some new friends, and get Cosse out there by hitting the gate running.

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Your character would get along perfectly with Kanako Moonweaver! She is a former pirate and a bit sassy, but is still easy to get along with. If you want to learn more, take a look at the wiki page and/or making connections post! They can both be found in my signature. I am available for in-game and forum RP, whichever you prefer.

I do hope that we can work something out!

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