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Auto-rolled name (woops inside!)

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While I was on Sargatanas, I made my male Elezen by way of rolling the name. I got the name 'Fortemps' and was like 'nice, that's a pretty cool name' and I just rolled with it.


Only upon transferring to Balmung did it hit me that Fortemps is one of the four big houses of Ishgard, and now I feel like a bit of a moron. I REALLY don't want to pay for a rename and remaking the character is border-line impossible but I have a phial I can use to change physical appearance. Will that allow me to change his name too, or not?


If not, then is it a huge deal? I'm not interested in pulling rank on anybody and I would probably just make him some kind of distant second cousin (or whatever) that married down and in essence screwed himself out of any hopes of being a srs bsns noble. Would that be alright?


I'm open to suggestions as to what I should do. I do like the name, but I don't want to passively alienate people around me.

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A Fantasia potion will only change the physical appearance, but not the name.


But you do have a couple options! (If the discussion primarily heads into those options, your thread will likely be moved over to the Character Workshop board since it's speciafically for one character and not something in general).


House Fortemps is one of the four main houses, yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean any Fortemps is related to the house, or of the same rank. Perhaps your character is a distant relative? Or maybe they are part of the house, albeit a lower-ranked person who has taken the name.

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A Fantasia potion will only change the physical appearance, but not the name.


But you do have a couple options! (If the discussion primarily heads into those options, your thread will likely be moved over to the Character Workshop board since it's speciafically for one character and not something in general).


House Fortemps is one of the four main houses, yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean any Fortemps is related to the house, or of the same rank. Perhaps your character is a distant relative? Or maybe they are part of the house, albeit a lower-ranked person who has taken the name.


Ahhh, shit. There goes that. I can't reroll what guardian I chose either, can I?


I really enjoy Ishgardian and Dragoon lore and the Order seems to prefer trainees among the Higher Nobility. Moreover, they're the only ones that can afford the armor, which is incredibly important when you're fighting dragons.


I might go with the very distant relative approach because it's just what fits best and makes the most sense. Becoming a Dragoon could very well have been the only thing that kept him and his line in any way relevant. Being the best at what he does thus becomes a very good motivator.




You can totes reroll your Guardian. Yay!


Edit Edit:


Never mind, it doesn't save properly. Screw it.

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