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Hi there!


I'm new here, just got finished writing up a wiki for my character...

For those interested: ((https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Suyiketu_Avagnar))


...And I  thought I'd get my foot in the door and see what's up.


Most of my roleplay experience comes from IRC, World of Warcraft, Garrys mod, and a number of other platforms. I haven't been as successful on MMOs as I have on others, but I'm hoping I'll be able to find something worthwhile here.


Currently just looking for like-minded people, especially interested in story-driven roleplay so don't hesitate to reach out if you've got some.


That's about it.









































Xaela are better than Raen.

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Welcome welcome, two new people in one thread! :D


If either of you want a hand in meeting a few people, feel free to chat me up in-game or here on the RPC. My FC does regular public events where you can meet others, and we often have some casual RP going on around our FC house, which we have set up as an inn and tavern. It's an ideal site to come and learn the ropes, and to make a few new friends - and you don't even have to be looking for an FC, either, so no pressure there. We just like to meet new people and hope that they'll come around sometimes and have fun with us. :3

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