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New Transfer looking for RP FC/LS(Balmung)


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Look in the list of linkshell and FCs on here for something that may suit.


It would help to give some details on style, timezone, small or large, theme, do you also want pve/p.

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Ah yes i suppose that would help lol


Im on EST generally available to be on more towards the evenings. 


Im mainly looking for PVE but i do enjoy a bit of PVP now and again as well.


The size of the FC doesn't really matter.


The RP style also is pretty flexible as well. For now the character will remain as an adventure with a bit of amnesia until i decide if i want to incorporate the backstory and things i had going on the previous server on this new one or not. 



All in all im pretty flexible on the RP front and will also likely make a 2nd character to either compliment or contradict my main character(because who doesnt like a bit of comical contradiction now and again :P) as well ^.^

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Ah yes i suppose that would help lol


Im on EST generally available to be on more towards the evenings. 


Im mainly looking for PVE but i do enjoy a bit of PVP now and again as well.


The size of the FC doesn't really matter.


The RP style also is pretty flexible as well. For now the character will remain as an adventure with a bit of amnesia until i decide if i want to incorporate the backstory and things i had going on the previous server on this new one or not. 



All in all im pretty flexible on the RP front and will also likely make a 2nd character to either compliment or contradict my main character(because who doesnt like a bit of comical contradiction now and again :P) as well ^.^


Sounds cool!


I run a small FC called the Night Ravens:



We do quite a bit of small scale pve, and some of us raid. As for RP, I'd be happy to have the FC leader meet your char to see if you like the atmosphere.


Other than that, happy hunting!

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