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FF14 Benchmark Testing

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So, as many know (or not know?), there was the FFIV Benchmark testing over on Nvidia's site for us to see how well out computers can hold up.

Admittedly my score surprised me, which as a 820-860.

My friend, even had worse.


However with the score under what they want which is 1000, I'm still going to play it and see what I can do option wise once in the game to make it run crystal smooth (or enough where I don't notice).

Thankfully in the test, it only hiccuped a few times, and they were so short and went so quick, that if you blinked you eyes at that point it went 'urk' you probably would have missed it.


Anyone else going to test their PCs luck, even with their scores saying, "No you can't"?

Or shall I be the only crazy person to even give it a try because I'm bullheaded like that. ;)

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Although your score was low, I'm sure they'll make the actual game more flexible and suitable for computers once it does come out. Though, once you play you should make sure all applications in the background are down unless you want to lag here and there. It makes the difference.

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My friend got a $900 laptop (not sure which one' date=' will clarify later) and also got the score in 800's. Needless to say, both of us were disappointed. I hope he can play when the time comes, even on minimal settings.[/quote']


What is sad is, my laptop is actually a 3,000k laptop using a business graphics card for my comics. Though admittedly it is about a year, two years old, and computing technology does love to change quickly. >_o

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I got a score of 2897. Running a AMD Phenom II Quad Core 965, ATI Radeon 5850, 4 gigs of Ram (low speed), and windows 7 64 bit. Kinda suprised me actually, considering my rig is pretty top of the line, but I am running my AM3 Chipset processor on an AM2 motherboard... I'm certain once I upgrade I'll get a significant speed increase. My Ram speeds really aren't that great either. It was pretty cheap ram, haha.

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I got a 1430 @ high settings and 2700-2850 on low resolution. Needless to say, I'm kind of surprised as I'm running a 3.2 ghz i5, a NVIDIA 9800 GT, and 8 gigs DDR3 on Windows 7. I was expecting slightly better. However, a guild mate mentioned that the benchmark and aplha were not friendly with hyper-threading processors (like my shiny, new i5). Hopefully, that will change with the release in September.


If not, I might have to drink the heart's blood of a software engineer at Square-Enix to quell the blood lust that will result.

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I got a 1430 @ high settings and 2700-2850 on low resolution. Needless to say, I'm kind of surprised as I'm running a 3.2 ghz i5, a NVIDIA 9800 GT, and 8 gigs DDR3 on Windows 7. I was expecting slightly better. However, a guild mate mentioned that the benchmark and aplha were not friendly with hyper-threading processors (like my shiny, new i5). Hopefully, that will change with the release in September.


If not, I might have to drink the heart's blood of a software engineer at Square-Enix to quell the blood lust that will result.


Ah, that does make sense. In that case, its likely something that S-E will optimize later, if not at release, probably shortly after. Atleast, I'm hoping as much.

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The bench mark and the alpha don't support dual video cards either. So if your running two and get a low score' date=' that's why[/quote']


My end, I think its because I use a graphics card that isn't public access.


Duo core 9000 Intel extreme processors (2.8ghz)

Windows XP Pro

2 Gigs of Ram

Nvidia Quadro FX 1600M 516 Meg with 256 dedicated

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The bench mark and the alpha don't support dual video cards either. So if your running two and get a low score' date=' that's why[/quote']


My end, I think its because I use a graphics card that isn't public access.


Duo core 9000 Intel extreme processors (2.8ghz)

Windows XP Pro

2 Gigs of Ram

Nvidia Quadro FX 1600M 516 Meg with 256 dedicated


Is that a workstation video card?

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My desktop just got 1657 on high resolution....


i7 2.8 GHz

6gb DDR3 Corsair

Nvidia 285GTX



That seems like a rather low score.


Does the i7 also use hyper-threading? Because thats what tanked my score, apparently.

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My desktop just got 1657 on high resolution....


i7 2.8 GHz

6gb DDR3 Corsair

Nvidia 285GTX



That seems like a rather low score.


Does the i7 also use hyper-threading? Because thats what tanked my score, apparently.



Ah, yes. The benchmark was with the Alpha engine apparently and they're fixing all of the optimization issues!

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We're also loosing a little fps because it's not running full screen. There's a DLL floating around that will force it to go full screen.


I got a score a little over 2800 on high with SLI and about 1900 without. I hope to at least pickup a new video card before launch. I'm looking at a Radeon 5870 or a Nvidia GTX480.


My specs:

-Core 2 Duo 3GHz (E6850)

-2Gig 1333MHz DDR3 Ram

-x2 8800 GTS 512MB (XFX Alpha Dog Edition)

-MB Nvidia 790i Ultra (XFX)

-Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 32bit

-24" LCD at 1920x1200

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I just tested the benchmark on my lunch tray (re: 17.3" desktop replacement laptop).


With an i7 720Q 1.6ghz (with turbo boost to 3.2ghz) phantoming 8 cores, 6gigs of ddr3, Windows 7, and a nvidia 230M got a 1112 on low settings.


Updating drivers and trying again.

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I scored 2503 on LOW settings and I think 1533 on HIGH with:

Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2

AMD Phenom 9750 Quad Core Processor 2.4 GHz

NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT

8GIGs of RAM


I was surprised my score was so low considering I can run Aion on high settings while grouped/soloing, and on mid-high when joining a fortress siege (usually involves at least 200+ player characters on screen both on ground and flying plus NPCs). Maybe FFXIV is designed for graphic growth though, hence the low score. Those that played FFXI may recall that when it released few sets could run it, and now, eight years later basic sets can run it on high settings, but it's 8 years later! So yeah, I'd say as long as you can hit medium settings score, go with the flow and upgrade as you go. Again: my 2 gil worth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hm wow, everyones using nvidia cards... I first got 2338 on low setting, which made me quite sad... i then overclocked my graca from 500 to 700 mhz and now i get 3132 on low and 1683 on high resolution. But Im also fancying a better card, if I can afford it...


Intel 2 Quad Q8200 2.33ghz (running on 2.8)

4 GB (3.2 -.-) 1066mhz DDR2 RAM

Windows XP Home 32bit Service Pack 3

Asus EAH4850 (Radeon HD 4850) overclocked

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My desktop just got 1657 on high resolution....


i7 2.66 GHz

6gb DDR3 Corsair

Nvidia 285GTX



That seems like a rather low score.


Does the i7 also use hyper-threading? Because thats what tanked my score, apparently.




So after doing a bit of overclocking (to 3.0 GHz) and installing a new driver, score is now 2864 on high resolution!!!

That's a 1200 point improvement!!! I'm SO happy!!!


And I was about to go spend another $350 on a second 285 GTX and an SLI bridge :D

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And I was about to go spend another $350 on a second 285 GTX and an SLI bridge :D


If you did it wouldn't show up on the benchmark. If I recall correctly (and I'm about 90%+ it is correct), the benchmark won't factor in two graphic cards, only one, so the score would still be based off of the one card. Glad you could get your score up. Actually... I should try that, too.... /procrastinates. >.> /whistles

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