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Generic Greeting Thread


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Hello and salutations. I've kept FFXIV in the corner of my eye for a while, though I have only played FFXI thus far. Liking a lot of what I see for A Realm Reborn (as well as being disappointed with my current MMO), I've deiced to get involved here (along with a friend of mine later). While I have RPed on forums for over a decade now, I am still relatively new to RPing within the medium of a game, but I do have a little experience with it. I will likely be asking a lot of questions about lore and such before making any concrete decisions about what kind of character I am making, as I missed the entire chunk of everything pre-ARR. I've browsed around to see a lot is already provided here in the forums and elsewhere, so most of what I will be curious about are finer details. 


At any rate, I look forward to RPing with you, hopefully for a good while. :)

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I hope when ARR comes out it will fill that void of disappointment your current MMO is leaving you with.


Forum RP lends loooots of experience to in game roleplaying. I'll bet you do great.


If you have lore questions you can't find in the RP discussion thread, there's this thread that Weffrey recently started http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=1627 where questions were being asked and answered. Maybe you could post your questions there? People here have been really friendly from what I've experienced and they give nice detailed answers.


And again, welcome, and Happy Valentine's Day.


Edit: Watch me repeat everything Aysun says like a pro. >.< <3

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Hello there!


Greetings, and welcome to the forums. I can't seem to catch up with all the hustle and bustle on this board as of late! :D

Pretty awesome to see so much interest bubbling up for the game and the RP community.

Anyways, I like to extend a warm welcome to you and all those who have recently joined us as of late and I hope you all have a great time and look forward to bumping into you all in Game!


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Your avatar looks like Aysun, and your title is Dance Commander? I see potential for confusion in the future....


Though as a fan of Electric Six, I can't disapprove! Welcome! :)


The Electric Six is exactly where it comes from! 8-) It will be changed to have more IC relevance as soon as I have something to replace it with. The avatar as well will change as soon as I have an actual character.


Sorry for the confusion.

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Welcome to the RPC. Please look around and enjoy your stay. As the resident news caster of sorts, I would recommend checking out the Artist section. It's quite active lately with drawing and sketches. There is also a skype group chat if you're interested.


Lastly, forgive my shameless self promotion but I do a daily news show about XIV called Good Morning Eorzea. You can find it in the Artist section of click my signature for a direct link. If you'd like to be a guest and chime in on any subject about ARR or 1.x feel free to let me know. Just remember anything under the NDA still applies until phase three of the beta.

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