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The Wolf is open [Inn]

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[align=center]The Wolves Inn is officially open![/align]







[align=center]To show our open doors to anyone in the vicinity or those who may be interested in travelling to the Shroud, we are welcoming any and all to show face at our newly opened slice of land.[/align]



[align=center]We'll be offering our bar and outdoor patch to any who care to visit as well as a look around our indoor facilities.[/align]



[align=center]We're located in the Lavender Beds' 8th ward,number 54.[/align]



"For this night we offer rooms at half the usual rate to accommodate the lot of you who may find yourselves unable to leave the property in proper fashion."




So reads the flyer plastered against the message boards located at your local adventure hall.





"Well, at least it's somethin' to try and increase the profits bein' made here.."








Hey there! This may be a bit sudden but we wanted to try our hand at something a little public!



We'll be hosting an open night on Friday the 29th at around 8pm UK time.



This is just to try and encourage some of our members who may be too shy to interact with each other yet as well as make some new out of FC connections.



Naturally this event is open to everyone who would like to stop by for a change of scenery.



I hope to see you there!

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Ah, I did not know there was more to this website than what I've already gone and done. Apologies for that!

I've gone ahead and filled out the form for the venue and since the event is so close there's no real point in adding it to the calendar now so I'll just leave it as it is!


Thank you for your help!

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