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I apologize for being sad :C

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I don't know you, but reading your post got me feeling for you. I just wanted to come by and say, 85% of people in this world are good, open people who would like to see people doing well and succeeding. It defiantly sucks when that 15% do what they do. Tear, destroy, rip down (whether people or ideas) but know that even a stranger like me is rooting for you and thinks all the advice you've gotten is great stuff. Keep being a bad ass!


And my advice is, when you feel stressed or overwhelmed, just got for a thirty minute walk. It's what I do when the world seems to much. It reminds me all the pressures of the world aren't as big as they seem and just moving feels good.


Keep strong mate, and know you've got a lot of people rooting for you!

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Never apologize for being sad <3 Everyone have moments and times where they crumble and fall. Just focus on doing what is best for you until you can help raise yourself up again. Talk to whoever you do business with and those that understand are great to have around! Those that don't? Give 'em the bird and toddle along.




Thank you, Lililove Q//~//Q I do feel a bit bad because it can get out of control sometimes...and can be kind of unprofessional on top of my anxiety. I wish there was a way I could put it in my Terms of Service...because I always don't want to worry commissioners...but at the same time... I'm usually trying to recover and either get sucked in by the negativity or by...the art itself in an attempt to regain my love for art @-@;;;


I tend to offer complete redos of any botched commissions (for everyone in the FFXIV community, at least), but...the anxiety makes me kind of uncertain...


I'm doing my best to cope, though, and have instead made a tumblr for everyone to keep track *A*)b in addition to getting back to volunteering at the hospital (I've been able to make patients smile, so that's always a plus).


Thanks again, Lililove, for your advice and encouragement Q//~//Q

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As a creative sort myself and someone who deals with chronic depression and anxiety, I can completely understand everything you're saying. I know that when I'm at my lowest, I cut myself off from the world and hate myself for doing it. If you're not already in therapy, I would suggest you see what is available and try a couple therapists until you find one that clicks for you. 


If you can find relief without medication that is the best way to go but sometimes a combination of therapy and medication is the best course of action. Medication can also help since brain chemicals and receptors are often out of whack for those of us in the chronic classifications. I would urge you to be mindful of those, though and don't be afraid to tell your doctor if it feels wrong. Not every medication works for every person. 


Hormones can also play a huge part in this and there may be something out of balance there too (mine are!).


Dealing with this stuff is hard. Really hard. But you truly can find a way to stabilize without losing your creativity and drive. I promise! So big hugs from me and you've got all my well wishes, good thoughts, and prayers. Hollar if you need someone to talk to. :) :thumbsup:


Omigoodness, for the longest time, I thought I was alone in my actions... Starting this thread helped me learn more from you and every one who's either also gone through or knew people who have... Thank you so much for your sympathy and for sharing your experiences Q-Q


I haven't gotten medication for my depression and anxiety, but I did recently buy multivitamins to help deal with the imbalanced biochemistry. A few years ago, that was what worked, and I hope that it's not too late to give it a try again. But if things get worse and I can't progress with my work, I will definitely make an appointment with my doctor. I'm doing my best to cope with it now with what I can myself because I'm afraid of burdening anyone ;; I hope that it's enough if I put all of my willpower into it *^*)b


And ahhh, thank you so much, Xerintha! *hugs you back*

I'm cheering for you, too~! May all of the bad feelings go away so that you can continue what keeps you happy :D *sends you happy feels with a bunch of moogles and nutkins* <33333

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I think everyone have said the same thoughts I have. Your art is great, and I am willing to buy more in the future. Don't let people that probably have nothing better to do but go around giving mean comments make you feel bad about what you do. 


I also happen to have a very strong kind of chronic depression and I know how it feels to just be at the lowest for a time. It's something that happens and its not you fault. Don't blame yourself. 


For now the most important thing is your health and your emotional stability. Focus on that and the rest will slowly work out.



Bonus Moogle cause moogles make everything better: :moogle:


Gosh, thank you so much for your kind words, Leih Q//~//Q I've been doing my best to not let them get to me. I kind of regressed before I had ample time to reply to your advice and encouragement properly, but I'm slightly better now Q//A//Q)b


Q//~//Q I just hope that as I'm writing this, that you're okay... *hugs* If you're not okay, please know that I'm cheering for you to beat it soon, and if you're well, I want you to know that I'm also here cheering for your future happy events C:


*sends you moogles and nutkins* <33333

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I have suffered through major depression and anxiety for over half of my life, (and I'm 30 this month) as well as suffering from both epilepsy and non epileptic attack disorder (which is linked to my anxiety). I just lost 2 grandparents in one month


I got through August, and now I am welcomed into September with seizures. The epileptic kind. I've had 6 in 3 days so far. I know this isn't a thread about me and my problems, so I'll stop whining about mine. What I'm eluding to is the fact that there have literally been 3 things that have gotten me through August and September so far:

- My mother (and the fact that she is visiting me in 2 weeks. I haven't seen her in 10 years).

-My boyfriend (who provides comedy and love to keep me happy when I need to be happy).

-And my writing. My writing always helps me through my problems, even when literally nothing else is available. If my boyfriend isn't around, and my mother can't Skype, I write. It works. 


So even if you can't meet deadlines, or don't want the pressure of commissions, still don't give up on your art. Never give up on it. I looked at your work, and you're actually very good. Please don't give it up. It will help you through. You may not see it at the time, but eventually you will look back, and understand that it helped.


Lastly, NEVER apologize for being sad. You don't need to be sorry for having emotions. Emotions are natural human occurrences. Some of us have severe depression, and even we don't need to apologize. I'm not sorry I get depressed. I have a mental illness. I take medication. I'm not sorry. I'm sorry if I don't get the chance to RP with people because of it, I'm sorry if you don't see me in game because I sleep after having seizures, but I'm not sorry I have seizures. So don't be sorry. Own your depression, don't let it own you.

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Never apologize for being sad <3 Everyone have moments and times where they crumble and fall. Just focus on doing what is best for you until you can help raise yourself up again. Talk to whoever you do business with and those that understand are great to have around! Those that don't? Give 'em the bird and toddle along.




Thank you, Lililove Q//~//Q I do feel a bit bad because it can get out of control sometimes...and can be kind of unprofessional on top of my anxiety. I wish there was a way I could put it in my Terms of Service...because I always don't want to worry commissioners...but at the same time... I'm usually trying to recover and either get sucked in by the negativity or by...the art itself in an attempt to regain my love for art @-@;;;


I tend to offer complete redos of any botched commissions (for everyone in the FFXIV community, at least), but...the anxiety makes me kind of uncertain...


I'm doing my best to cope, though, and have instead made a tumblr for everyone to keep track *A*)b in addition to getting back to volunteering at the hospital (I've been able to make patients smile, so that's always a plus).


Thanks again, Lililove, for your advice and encouragement Q//~//Q

You're more then welcome! I'm glad it helps! Doing things to keep active can definitely help as well :)

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As someone who has struggled (and continues to) to function with Depression and Anxiety, I 100% empathize with how you feel.


A lot of times it is easier said than done when others tell you to block out the negative voices. But the positive voices cheering you on can do wonders.


Your art is beautiful and I am sure others are as envious of your talent as I am. :3

Your prices should be what you want them to be, as you are taking the time to commission. If people don't like it, they don't have to buy it, there will be many more who would love to have a piece of your work. 


The best advice I can give is, you've already made it through 100% of your worst days and that is a huge accomplishment. Things will get better if you give it time. 


I wish you the very best and sincerely hope things look up for you soon. ^_^

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Hi there,


This is literally my first post in this forum. But I'd just like to say: Rock on.


My own  little self is working in performing arts and it can be a very cruel metier, just like traditional and digital art I bet. The only thing I can advise is; ignore the trolls. Mentally ban/block the hell out of anyone who sounds hateful to you, but listen for hours to the positive, encouraging ones.


You don't have to take abuse simply because somebody paid you. You get paid to be an artist not to be a punching bag. Period.


And as for (resulting or triggered) mental health problems. From personal experience I just want to congratulate you for being open about them. Never hide these issues, they just Love to fester in the dark. You're not being whiny or pathetic - You have an illness. And there is Never any shame in asking for help when you feel you need it.


So, just my two cents.


Take it slow. Be kind to yourself (maybe the hardest thing of all). And you'll eat any abusive a**holes for breakfast!

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