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Arrival at the Bismarck [Open]

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Siben's head snaps up and he looks about the room. His years spent studying conjuration tipping him off that ~someone~ is using magic in the room.


As he looks his eyes settle on the man dressed in black, shouldering a very large axe.



He takes a moment to study the axe, exchanging some glances between the book he's reading and the weapon before shaking his head and mumbling to himself. He returns to his reading though keeps an eye out for any trouble.

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Croix shrugged at the bird's seeming indifference. Better than having his fingers taken off he supposed, although it certainly would have helped ingratiate him had it reacted more positively. Obviously well trained. A sparkle hit his eyes as the well-dressed woman mentioned the goods she was waiting on. A great deal more precious, eh? His hunch had been right, the Captain would certainly want to hear of this. But first, more information was needed...


"You have excellent taste, my lady. Indeed, the chefs here at the Bismarck are some of the finest in the city...although I'm sure it doesn't come close to the delectable treats one such as yourself must be used to. I imagine you must have sampled dishes from all over the world in your line...trader, I assume." It was not phrased as a question. Croix lacked the mastery of subterfuge and instead plowed straight ahead in his attempts to gather information as to the mysterious shipment. "We see plenty of those come through, although rarely as well dressed and pretty as yourself. Is that why you have your intimidating looking friend here with you? A bodyguard to keep your riches safe from the city's gallery of rogues? Ah, thank you Elle." he smiled at the waitress as she brought him a tall glass of water from which he casually sipped, glancing over the rim at the two women and trying to read their expressions as best as he could.

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The dark masked man did not look up, only glancing out the side of his eye as a trio of men entered into the bar. Leading the small pack was one man, his bald head gleaming in the dim light, a row of daggers and knifes strapped to his chest beneath the brown coat. His face was emotionless, a cold slate of thought and logic, the man entirely within the realm of control. At his right was a thin, well dressed man with well combed and trimmed hair, spectacles on his eyes. At his side was a thin sabre of the dueling sort, sharp enough to kill a man but usually reserved for sport. On the opposite side, to the left, was a giant of a man, larger than any Hyur he had seen, save for maybe Guytrain the Guillotine. Unlike Guytrain, this brute looked like all muscle and no brain, except for his belly that hung over the front of his tattered pants, a thick rope tied about his waist and barely holding the material up. In his sides he gripped two gigantic maces, the head of both the width of a man's torso.


The trio said nothing for a moment, the thin, spectacled man walking up to a nearby waitress. "Table, m'lady," he said with a half bow, hand extended in front of his waist in a courteous gesture. "We may be met by several others, so perhaps something private, towards the back?"


The waitress' eyes went wide as she looked from the handsome gentleman, to the giant mountain of a man, to the coated and knife armed leader of the three. The bald man's cold, emotionless eyes turned to the waitress for only a second and she could not prevent the instinctive step backwards, the fearful reaction. She braced herself, clutching a menu to her breasts as she nodded, leading them far from the rest, towards the rearmost of the tavern.


The masked man watched the three as they vanished towards the rear, returning his gaze to the bartender before them. He shook his head, thinking on the large man. "Goobbue. Why the hell is he here..." He quickly raised his hand to his mask stripping it off his face. Goobbue had never once seen him with the tiara off, but had certainly seen him plenty of times with it on. He tucked the black mask into his robes, exposing his tanned features, though he disguised his face under the hood. Those three looked vicious, and he was not at all up for that sort of fight tonight. A good bar brawl, perhaps. He chuckled as he leaned towards the bartender, cupping his glass in his hand. "I think I might, perhaps, buy a drink for one of the ladies here. It's been a while though."

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Shamad watched the three men enter with great trepidation. The leader made him nervous, the one with the spectacles wary, and the giant made him feel like he was going fill his pants. He shrunk as far into the shadows as he could. He unwound the bandage on his hand and squeezed the wound, producing more blood. He prepared himself for battle. He went over his spells in his mind. He didn't want to but if he had to, he would. He might get hurt but he would be sure to kill one of them at the very least.

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The women smirked slightly as she watched her Companion shrug the offer off. She arched an eyebrow slightly as she caught a slight change in the Elezenâs expression as the mention of trade came up. He was obviously not leaving and his attempt at flattery was beginning to grate on her nerves. Leading her to wondered if her acquaintance was the type of girl to easily buy into such behavior.

She listened half there as he began to question Ryelle; Picking up her glass she brought it to her lips to sip at itâs contents when she caught his question about her place in it in which she immediately interruppted to rectify her part in the whole business.


âDoes it cross your thoughts that perhaps your unwelcomed into this conversation Sir? If your so curious as to what business is certainly not yours; I have just Met this women and certainly have no intrest in guarding any shipment.I would not waste my time.â

With That she excused herself from the table for the time being her Hawk jumping up onto her shoulder as she whent to the bar .

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"What... what would you like sir?" the frightened waitress asked.


The bald headed man withdrew one of the many daggers that lined his chest, his head tilted forward, eyes burrowing into the table. He pointed the knife absently in the direction of the rest of the restaurant, in the general direction of the bird, perched upon a woman's shoulder.


"I might be in the mood for a little fowl," he said, a grin extending upon his face as his fingers began to drum the table. "I think I spied something on the way in that would fit the bill."


The spectacled indivudal, without turning aside, simply put a hand on the wrist of the man. "Sir, I would more than enjoy to help you acquire the bird. However, don't you think this should wait until after the meeting? We do still have an appointment with One-Eye's agents."


The mention of the name brought the sanity and reason back to the bald man's eyes. "Right you are, of course," he said, setting the knife down upon the table, the cold steel returning to his face though the slight amusement remained on his lips, his soulless eyes piercing those of the waitress. "Gingerale, please. No laughs," he said, his grin widening, his index finger tapping on the handle of his knife. The waitress nodded, mouth agape as she turned away, taking quick steps back to the bar.

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"You give your home establishment short credit. The Bismarck is reputed to have the greatest cuisine in all of Eorzea." Setting down her spoon, Ryelle dabbed her napkin to her lips and then tilted her chin to give the appearance of looking down her nose at the elezen.


"I might be a pretty purse, but I am not an complete idiot and I would have to be the most foolish trader in the world to tell you exactly who my protector is. A sensible trading company employs far more than a single guard for things of such importance. And no, I'm not a trader, I am a representative and caretaker. Obviously my companion isn't a guard, as a decent guard wouldn't walk around calling attention to herself in a city such as this." She picked up the small glass of kirsch, sipping it as she arched her brow with a frosty smile.


"Now you have driven her off before I could conduct any business and I'll have to wait patiently until dinner is served to begin again, probably suffering more of your poor interrogation attempts. I suggest next time you try and gain information from 'such a fine-dressed, refined woman' try more to be more subtle and not drive her dining companions away."

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A group of nine or ten rough looking men entered the bar, each looking the part of ruffians, chests bared slightly by the open parts down their shirts, flared cuffs adorning their wrists and bandannas about their heads, a few bearing eye patches. Each carried an assortment of weapons upon them, blades of many lengths and sorts. Several were Roegadyn, one Elezen and the rest Hyur. The lead man was a Hyur, his lean face and short cut white hair adorning his face alongside a thin goatee that came to a point on his chin. His armor was black, his hands and feet gloved, and he carried a lengthy looking sword at his side. Obviously the leader.


They paid no attention to the approaching waitress, whom they walked straight past. As their large group moved through the eatery, they brushed alongside many of the patrons, one of the large Roegadyn pushing aside a woman upon whom was perched a bird of some sort, others rattling the tables of several finely dressed customers as well as brushing the side of the chair belonging to a small Lalafell. Their leader urged them onward, to the rearmost table, where the earlier trio of villains had entered. As they approached, the black armored criminal leading the way was heard growling the word "Maestro" as he moved up to the table.


The bald leader of the three who had arrived earlier stood up, arms wide as he took a deep bow. "As I live and breath," he said, a menacing smile on his face. "Shall we do business, gentlemen? And let's keep our voices low, please! We wouldn't want to be heard talking about One-Eye in such a fine establishment as this!"


The man with the goatee scowled at the bald man, taking a seat, his men forming a half circle around his side of the table. "Agreed."

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Ryelle paused in her harsh smile as the large group entered the establishment, her eyes narrowing as they stomped through and one of the lummoxes shoved the woman and hawk aside. At that she stood, leaving the elezen invader at the table before he could even respond. Striding quickly to the woman as she resettled her hawk, Ryelle caught her elbow and marched them both confidently to the corner table the group had surrounded.


"Excuse me gentlemen," she deftly ducked between the outer layer of roegadyn and rested her fingertips on the table. "I am sorry to disrupt your discussion, but one of your escort owes my associate an apology. I understand the unpleasantness of an interruption, but I'm sure you understand that we can't let such a thing go without redress."

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The man of the black mask, now standing with his face unveiled, hood hovering just above his eyes, couldn't help but turn. The two women had put themselves into an interesting spot. Goobbue was nobody to be messed with, and the one that had been called Maestro looked particularly vicious. He began to turn, the two drinks in his hand, then quickly settled them onto the bartop. Casually his hand fell to his back, loosening the first of the cloth straps that secured his weapon in place. "Fine way to introduce yourself to a woman," he mumbled to himself as he waited, hoping he wouldn't have to take any action.


Meanwhile, across the restaurant, the goateed man did not acknowledge the pair, instead keeping his gaze straight forward on Maestro. "Is this pair yours?"


"MIne?" The bald man looked shocked, placing a hand to his chest, his eyes glinting in the light. "I thought they were some of your... fancy escorts. I know how much One-Eye likes to employ the ladies." His gaze moved aside to his companion, the blond man with spectacles. "Leader," he said, looking amused. "Did you hire these two for our guests here?"


The one called Leader shook his head, his handsome features peering up towards the two women, eyes hovering above his glasses. "Unfortunately, I did not have the foresight." His finger moved upwards, pressing the glasses up the length of his nose and flush against his face. "Excuse me, ladies. My proper name is Tervanian Eldamane, formerly of the Ul'dah branch of the Eldamane Trading Consortium. As a businessman I certainly understand the need for redress. Did you happen to note the offender?"


The goateed man glared at Tervanian. "Leader..."


"I'm sorry Galatius, but I believe we do need to know if one of One-Eye's men has been acting rudely towards the patrons of this establishment."


The bald man's hands fell to the table, his right hand drumming across its surface. "Yes, please tell us, has Galatius here been rude?" His eyes filled with glee, any of the logic and coldness that had passed along his features intermittently now giving way to anxious amusement.

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((Ok. Here is where things get interesting for me. I have absolutely no idea how powerful a Thaumaturge and Conjurer are. The released spell list is only for level 1 and I don't want to stray into God modding ie too powerful or spells that don't exist. So I'm going to attack from the rear so to speak.))


Shamad rocked on his chair. These people were huge and numerous. He could take them on but he would probably die in the process. He decided to retreat tactically as his drill instructor always put it. He slipped out the door and watched the tavern from across the street. He would go back in after the fireworks were over.

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Ryelle raised a brow, tilting her head in an arching manner. "I'm Ryelle Lathal, of Lathal Mining Corportaion of Ul'dah's Van'Celle Trading Consortium. One of your companion's roegadyn guards rather roughly pushed aside my associate."


She straightened, the cool smile taking it's place once more. "I'm certain no offense was meant, but an apology is owed. One would hate to upset Nald'thal's balance."

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Particularly agitated even further by the rudeness; to not even look at who was addressing him. Insult only further given when the mention of escorts came into the conversation. she frowned disgustedly. Her hawk puffing itâs chest out some ruffling his feathers as he eyed the men at the table.

She turned her head to her companion and whispered to him trying to soothe him. Trouble was not what she had come here for but still her acquaintance was correct in saying an apology was owed.

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Croix watched the unfolding events with a great deal of intrigue. His own attempts had fallen completely flat - he cursed that he had been placed into that position, having been sharply reminded why he left diplomacy to the Captain - but nevertheless, things still had a possibility of working out in his favor. Now two separate traders involved, although one with significantly more manpower...he found himself quite impressed at the woman's lack of hesitation in throwing her weight around, repulsive as he found the attitude. Nevertheless, he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that she was getting in over her head. The Lalafell who had slipped out of the door had not escaped his notice, an action which he felt was probably quite prudent. He pondered the best plan of action. One did not survive a full decade of piracy by wandering around unarmed, but the only weaponry he had to hand was a short dagger tucked into his boot. Close-quarters fighting was not his area of expertise by any means and he found his hand subconsciously reaching for a bow that was not there. Rising from his seat, he slipped over to the bar and motioned for Elle to come closer.


"Elle...send a runner down to the Flame. Fastest you can spare. It's docked at the usual place, undergoing repairs. Hana should be somewhere around...have them tell her to send someone up here. If things turn unpleasant, I'm afraid I won't be of much use here and I'd rather not waste a golden opportunity." Elle paused, obviously reluctant to risk escalating the situation any further but nodded with a sigh. She disappeared into the back room and shortly thereafter a young Miqo'te dashed out of the door in the direction of the docks. For his part, Croix leaned against a section of wall close enough to overhear the conversation and listened quietly.

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The formerly dark masked man began to walk slowly into the interior of the restaurant, his hand casually unlatching the next of the cloth straps that secured his Great Axe. There was a growing tension throughout the establishment, and several patrons, adjusted to the toils of survival, were at high alert.


Meanwhile, the Maestro's tongue streaked across the top of his teeth, his eyes watching as the Lalfell left, watching as the hooded figure strolled across the room, watched the man who had whispered to a figure at the bar. "Two's company, more's a crowd," he said, looking up at Galatius. "You were rude to a woman, Galatius."


The goateed man's eyes narrowed. "Watch your tongue, Maestro. You have no authority here."


"Oh, you're right, of course," he said, nodding, leaning back, hands resting loosely on the table before him. "But I didn't come to do business with you, I came to do business with One-Eye. I can see I'm not important enough for him," he said, heaving a heavy breath. "But, at least I know how to treat a woman." His eyes danced upwards, scanning the two ladies, then went back to Galatius before him. "And, I don't think you've apologized, have you Galatius?"


The armored man didn't respond, his eyes moving towards the Leader. "Grab your dog's leash, Tervanian, and handle him."


This seemed to rouse the Maestro's anger, his eyes suddenly flying open, his teeth locked together so tightly they looked like they might crack one another. "Handle me?" He suddenly shouted, kicking out his own chair beneath him as he flew onto the table in a single, long stride. His hand swept downwards, clasping the knife he'd laid onto its surface just a moment before and lunged forward at Galatius, his hand thrusting forward in a single smooth motion that jammed the lengthy blade just above the collar, above the line of the armor the man bore. It sliced cleanly into his body, red suddenly staining the steel as Galatius fell backwards, body flailing as he collapsed limp on the floor.


Immediately the hoard of guards sprung forward, momentarily shocked by the mindless assassination and now bearing down on Maestro. The maddened man thrust his hands outwards, ballistic knives springing from his wrists from coiled springs, taking one of the guards against the shoulder and another in the stomach, Maestro immediately drawing two large blades from his belt as he leapt at his attackers. In the same moment as the men began to charge, the mammoth Goobbue, all eight feet and seven hundred pounds, suddenly roared to life to the side of his employer, the twin maces in his hand swinging outwards at the crowd of men crushing down upon them.


Tervanian Eldamane, also known as the Leader, took a last, apologetic glance at the woman known as Ryelle before whipping out his sabre, its long, thin blade flashing in the light of the restaurant. His thin frame charged at the nearest of the guards, blades meeting. A sudden chaos broke out as the men who had formerly been charged with protecting Galatius' life now went into an empty rage, some crashing against the trio while others of the hulking Roegadyn turned, fanning into the restaurant. One grabbed at the pair of women, others suddenly went into an attack, hoping to clear the restaurant. Alcohol imbibed patrons, some of whom had been hoping to enjoy a quiet meal and who should have simply left, now flung themselves at the battle, some so inebriated they failed to realize they were making the situation worse as they occasionally came into conflict among themselves.


The formerly black masked man, who had til now been hoping this would end calmly, suddenly found himself charging into the chaos, his hand reaching to the handle of his Great Axe as he plunged into the fight.

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((Oh what the hell. Why not?))


Shamad stepped quickly aside as the guards charged into the inn. He realized he could fight if he was careful. It looked to be not as one-sided as he had thought. He stepped into chaos. He assessed the situation and cast Blood Rite and Dark Seal. He cast Gravity and Drain on the group fighting the guards. He chose a target and attacked using Numbing Rime and pulled out a stick. Just as he was taught, he created a blade of wind and went for the throat of his victim.

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Doc glanced briefly at a man knocked to his feet in the ensuing chaos, then disregarded almost immediately. Doc sighed and reached into a bag under his table grabbing a small box and a handful of spherical shaped objects. "Well, that escalated rather quickly..." Doc whistled as he moved around the fighting dropping a couple of the spherical objects here and there. He looked up from dropping one of them and saw a man approaching a guard unnoticed from behind with a weapon drawn, he quickly threw the contents of the box he was carrying onto the floor releasing a large amount of small ball-bearings across the floor of the tavern, the approaching man was caught unaware, slipped on the ball-bearings and went crashing to the ground alerting the guard in front of him. "Excellent..."


Doc grinned then moved towards the door. He knew that it was wise to at least know the direction of the exit for if things got a little too out of hand he could set off the smoke bombs he had just laid around the place. "Hmmm... then again if anyone was to step on one of them, well... then they would all go off and then... poof... yes, best to head in that direction." Doc picked up a glass of water on his way to the door that he narrowly saved from being knocked off a table. "Mmm, refreshing..."

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((Easy there Shama ;P))


Siben took notice of the rather dangerous looking gathering of ruffians who strode into the tavern.

As the mob crashed through the patrons to the table in the back he packed up his things, not willing to chance a physical confrontation in his current state he was preparing to vacate before trade relations became unsavory....


Until he caught sight of the two women striding up to the mob.


"Hmm..." Siben sat back down in his booth, resting his chin in a propped up fist, "This'll be interesting to watch..."


His eyes caught the flicker of the candle on his table, with is free hand he began to swirl his index finger in a slow spiral, calling out to the ambient aether in the room and feeding off the candle flame to slowly form a small, concentrated fireball that hovered and pulsed above the candle.


He shook his head as he watched the brawl erupt, "...knew it.."


A sudden chaos broke out as the men who had formerly been charged with protecting Galatius' life now went into an empty rage, some crashing against the trio while others of the hulking Roegadyn turned, fanning into the restaurant. One grabbed at the pair of women, others suddenly went into an attack, hoping to clear the restaurant.


Spying the Roegadyn making a grab at the two women Siben gave a flick of his hand, sending the fireball hurtling towards the back of the hulking brute.


As soon as he fired his spell off he climbed out of the booth and tried to make haste to grab his robe from it's hanger before making for the doorway, nearly tripping over a Lalafell who had just rushed in.


He posted his back up against the entry way so he could watch the melee and figure out his next move to help the two women.

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Revan's eyes darkened as chaos broke out at the tables near him, and he glared darkly at Celgad before him. Celgad turned his head to overlook those who were fighting and his eyes rested upon Galatius's body. Celgad stood to his feet, brow furrowed as he recognized his fallen ally. "GALATIUS!" Celgad cried out running towards the man's corspe as his blood was pouring out beneath him. One of the accompanying Rogaedyn glanced at the young highlander as he ran to Galatius's side and reached for him, beginning to drag him away from the onslaught. He turned to two more who were not yet engaged and roared, "One-eye's brother! Get him the hell out of here!" He said throwing the young inexperienced highlander towards them, and then unsheathing his sword and re-engaging into the battle.


Revan's gaze darkened watching what was taking place, his business here was not yet handled. His hand landed on the documents that rested upon the table, and he began to clench them in his hands, crushing their existence between his firm contracting fingers. He threw them on the floor believing that what use they once may have served was no longer of importance. Revan stands to his feet and unsheaths his long nodachi-like sword of black steel, and electrical pulses began to emit from the blade and the aetherial gem incrested in it's hilt began to glow.


He moved slowly towards the brawl, remaining a spectator for the moment, eyes resting upon Celgad as the ruffians tried to get him out of the now dangerous place. Revan was unsure of Celgad's part with this company of men, but the words "One-eye's brother" made more evident what Lengalad's place was in this unfamiliar land. Revan remained unengaged, cold eyes looking over the three who had started the fight, and then glancing over to the others. Only was it until the very Rogaedyn who drug Celgad off came hulking into Revan's tall impeding figure.


"Best mind your own, before it gets you killed!" The large Rogaedyn said, standing over the corpse of his leader, while the others remained engaged with the three. The large Rogaedyn held the tip of his sword towards Revan's chest.


Revan seemed unaffected by the Rogaedyn's hostile stance towards him, while it was clear that this rogaedyn was an ally of Celgad's, it did not make him an ally of Revan in his mind. Revan's lips remained idle, his sickly cerulean eyes darkened upon looking into the Rogaedyn's hard glare. He raised his left hand to the man's blade and gripped around it firmly, blood beginning to drip from his hands as the edge cut into his skin. The Rogaedyn raised a brow, seeming confused with Revan's action, and stood unaware of what to do.


Revan's sword, Illucien, began to emit a static charge, electricity pulsing through Revan's hand and up his forearm. This energy began to emit from his other hand, and traveled through the steele of the Rogaedyn's blade, the large warrior beginning to shake as the electrical energy began to jolt through his body. He finally let go of his sword altogether, and fell back, his butt landing right on the Galatius's lifeless body. He held his hand in the other, looking up at Revan with confusion. Revan dropped the Rogaedyn's sword, steel ringing as the blade hit the ground.


Revan swung the great nodachi across the Rogaedyn's neck, blood spraying out profusely over Revan's black leather armor, he moved towards the Rogaedyn who were dragging Celgad out of the tavern, hulking towards the doors he just entered not more than twenty minutes earlier.

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It took only a matter of minutes before things turned rather nasty as she saw the man hit the floor with a thud and the glint of red tainted metal leaving the flesh of the man Exposed neck,Chaos quickly ensuing. Catching sight of the Roegadyn reaching out for them the women grabbed her acquaintance by the arm and pulled her quickly out of the reaching Roegadyen path and ran her into the direction of the bar letting go of the other womenâs arm and looking over her shoulder at the oncoming Roegayden .

âSo much for getting out of hereâ¦Stay here and try to keep out of the way mâlady.â With that she whispered to her hawk who flapped off her shoulder and immediately dived at the head of the pursuing Roegadyen.


The women hopped up on the bar standing and reached back pulling an arrow from her back. she knocked it against the bow aiming straight at the Roegadyen lifting her arm and anchoring her hand against her mouth careful to keep her aim clear from her companion. She dropped her aim then as she caught sight of a fire ball impacting their attacker and her hawk quickly climbing high into the ceiling avoiding the blast. She glanced around toward the area she thought it had come from catching sight of a figure making haste toward the doorway and stumbling over an incoming Lalafell. She turned back quickly aiming her arrow again as she heard her Hawk make a screech and it lunged at another oncoming brute. She let her arrow fly at its next target.

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((What? :? ))


Shamad landed on the Hyur's back. He quickly slashed across the man's juggular and jumped back. He started through the crowd, using his size to his advantage. He slashed the Achilles tendon of anyone fighting a guard and went for the femoral arterie as they fell. He had forgotten the pleasure he got out of the tactile sensation of blood on his hands. His stress and anxiety melted away. He threw himself into the battle with abandon.

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Siben watched the ranger hop on the bar and sink an arrow into one of the brawlers. He called over towards her, "Hey! What are you crazy!? Get out of here!"


He looked towards the other woman, the one he overheard being a miner or something, 'You too! Quickly, over here."


He concentrated and wove some protective spells on himself, the archer and the business woman.

Catching sight of the Lalafell smashing people in the kneecaps with a stick, Siben cast a protective barrier around him as well.

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Ryelle dropped behind the relative safety of the bar as the ranger let go of her arm then leaped onto the counter, drawing a small stiletto from each boot. She sunk back against the wall, content to watch the pandemonium and guard the other woman's back after she'd leaped onto the counter. As the brawl evolved into a bloody riot, her gaze flicked about the room, tracing the other with a mixture of annoyance, concern, and horror. She turned her head at a shout of "Hey! What are you crazy!? Get out of here!"


Ryelle quickly glanced over the space between the temporary sanctuary and the strange man shouting at them, asessing the chaos with a worried frown. She knew she didn't stand much luck trying to dive through the fray by herself, even with protective spells, and the ranger seemed to know exactly what she was doing. She shot her companion a questioning look, deciding to let the experienced fighter make the choice of action.

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She quickly looked to the Mage hearing him shouting but shook her head and then looked down quickly at Ryelle. She had a better tactical a advantage with her position on top of the bar and it was too dangerous for Ryelle to even chance moving towards the entry. Too much of a risk of a blade to her back. She shouted at Ryelle. "Keep low!"

Aiming her arrow at another coming their way. Her companion swooping downward swiftly and clawing at hulking figure's throat. She let the arrow go straight at his exposed throat as the Hawk moved swiftly back up allowing her a clear shot.

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