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The Blue Skies Adventuring Linkpearl


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[align=center]The Blue Skies Adventuring Linkpearl





"It's truly something else," The Miqo'te gave a brief nod and folded his hands behind his head, "not being tethered down anywhere. Nothing but the ground under your feet, and the wind at your back to carry you. To feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, and the breeze through your hair." He leaned forward a moment, setting a sky blue pearl down upon the table. "To not have any obligations, no real commitment. Having the world be nothing but your own oyster. A fruit ripe for picking."


The pearl slowly began to roll across the uneven table, coming to a stop as it reached the center. "It doesn't matter what walk of life you come from to us. Whether you're the son of an Ul'dahn noble, or fresh off the docks of Limsa-Lominsa. It's all the same. The lust for adventure is something that dwells inside of everyone, whether they chose to accept it or not. I'll tell you this, though. Once it gains a foothold, it's hard to break free. The freedom to live your life as you see fit. To go where you want to go, and to achieve what you want to achieve. You get to decide what you do, and when you do it." A large, toothy grin spread across his face.


"Treasure, fame, wealth, knowledge, power-- ...No one person has the same goals in life. We've all our own ends we seek to see fulfilled, our own dreams to achieve. I will tell you this, though. None of the above matters to us."


His brow furrowed and expression grew more serious as he brought a finger up to point at the person sitting across from him. "Friendship. That's what it's always been about. To set out across the world, hand in hand. To lay eyes upon lands no man or woman has ever seen. To set foot where no one has before. To bear witness to everything Hydaelyn has to offer. To adventure-- ...not alone, but together." The finger quickly retracted as the man made a fist. "Whether or not you take the pearl is of no concern to me." The grin slowly crept across his face once again. "But if you do? You can be certain your life will never be the same again. But I don't think I need to tell you that. Just look outside."


He gestured to the bright and vibrant sky above them. "They're endless, those blue skies. And yet, you can't help but feel an urge to see what lies at the other end."

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My apologies to anyone who has sent me a PM and hasn't received anything in response the past few weeks. I've been busy moving halfway across the country, settling into my new home, and acquainting myself with my new roommates. (Who are probably reading this. Hi.)


While I have more or less settled in, I'm still in the process of finding a steady job, so I won't be back around as usual just yet. I do, however, hope to get the website up and running soon. Possibly in time for phase 3 of the beta, but definitely in time for the start of open beta.


Thank you for your patience, and feel free to keep the PMs coming. I will answer them as soon as I can get to them.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm happy to announce that the Blue Skies Adventuring Company is now officially and actively recruiting for FFXIV: A Realm Reborn! With our site ready for the public and our first event coming up this weekend, we invite you to stop by our little hub and check things out for yourself!


In line with releasing the website, our post here on the RPC has been updated significantly to fit recent changes to the linkpearl! We've taken on several new linkshell officers, and have a much more ambitious game plan this time around!


While we've had numerous applications sent via PM over the past weeks and months, I unfortunately ask that you please re-submit any applications on our official site. We have a slightly updated application, and some new information to chew on over at the new URL! Thank you, and I'm sorry in advance for any inconveniences this might cause.


We hope to see you all in-game soon, and thank you for your interest in the Blue Skies!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

While I don't enjoy having to cap things off, the interest in Blue Skies has been a bit overwhelming. As much as I'd love to keep taking in every single interested person, we simply don't have the leadership power right now to maintain a hundred some different players. We're already almost halfway to that.


That being said, the Blue Skies will currently be shutting down recruitment in order to get our current membership settled and integrated. We'd like to be able to take some time to get to know all of our current members, and make sure they all feel at home before taking in even more.


Thank you for your interest, and please keep your eyes peeled, as we will be recruiting again at some point in the future! We hope to see you all in Eorzea with the open beta test and beyond!


[All applications currently posted as of this time are still on the table to be accepted!]

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...



My boyfriend and I are currently on Behemoth because we joined a role playing free company there that ended up not being really a role playing company. We are looking to make new characters on Balmung to possibly find a roleplaying community. We're not veteran role players but would love to learn, meet new people and become part of the role playing community. We're not just looking for a free company, just a place where we can find fun people who we can learn and become friends with.


When you open up again we are interested!

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  • 2 months later...

It's been some time, but the Blue Skies is finally going to be going live for ARR. This time, however, under a vastly different concept. I simply can't afford to dedicate time towards running an active RP linkshell between my real life and my endgame activities in-game. So, as opposed to making Blue Skies into a busy shell with lots of events, it's going to be tailored back to it's original concept in 1.0. The Blue Skies will be a naturally grown linkshell, in that linkpearls will almost exclusively be given out in-character. There may be a few exceptions, but the main way to obtain a pearl will be from none other than Endemerrin himself.


As such, the pearl is going to function as a linkpearl truly would in Eorzea. It will only grow and live if people make it so. I hope to cultivate a unique and tightly knit community this way, and I'm looking forward to seeing how this pans out.


I'm sorry for taking so long to reach this point (I blame Twintania stealing my free evenings), and I'd like to say thank you to everyone who helped in the beginning stages of the linkpearl. Hope to see you all in-game!

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It's been some time, but the Blue Skies is finally going to be going live for ARR. This time, however, under a vastly different concept. I simply can't afford to dedicate time towards running an active RP linkshell between my real life and my endgame activities in-game. So, as opposed to making Blue Skies into a busy shell with lots of events, it's going to be tailored back to it's original concept in 1.0. The Blue Skies will be a naturally grown linkshell, in that linkpearls will almost exclusively be given out in-character. There may be a few exceptions, but the main way to obtain a pearl will be from none other than Endemerrin himself.


As such, the pearl is going to function as a linkpearl truly would in Eorzea. It will only grow and live if people make it so. I hope to cultivate a unique and tightly knit community this way, and I'm looking forward to seeing how this pans out.


I'm sorry for taking so long to reach this point (I blame Twintania stealing my free evenings), and I'd like to say thank you to everyone who helped in the beginning stages of the linkpearl. Hope to see you all in-game!


Its great to see Blue Skies starting up again. As an old member of the LS back in 1.0, it was YOU who inspired me to build my own shell up from the ashes. After meeting everyone and making great friends with them, and enjoying the good days of rp...


This is what it was all about, making friends and family.



If it wasn't for you showing me this, I would have never ventured to Tera to create Allemantheia Garden. 

I would have never met the love of my life..

and I would never have been here in your foru mtoday.


So thank you, Merri.

I hope everyone stands beside you, because I will =]

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  • 2 months later...

Neglected to respond, but that's truly heart-touching, Ventus. I'm incredibly happy to have had such a positive impact. That's all I've ever really strived for, so I'm glad you pulled something away from our experiences in 1.0!


So! The Blue Skies is undergoing some significant changes yet again. This time for the better, I feel. I've started a push ICly to rebuild her, and I figure it's time I do my part OOCly as well. As such, applications to the blue skies are once again opening up and actively being accepted! Not only that, but we now have a Free Company as well.


In line with the Free Company, funding for a house is already complete, so the minute the Free Company reaches rank 6, the Blue Skies will also have an HQ ready to go~


Thanks for your continued interest in the Blue Skies, and I hope to see you in-game!

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So do I go to the website and fill out an application or do I keep contacting you in game? I'm kinda stuck where we are in the RP lol


I'll be updating the main post here with the IC recruitment flyer later today that Merri will have posted in all of the Adventurer's Guilds. At this point, if seeing said flyer would be enough to spark your character to try and join up with the group, you'd be welcome to send along an application.


Otherwise it'd have to be something worked out over time ICly, which will be difficult as my plate is 100% full right now between meeting new people, working on ranking up the FC, and my endgame obligations.

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Thanks to those of you who have poked me in-game and out! Updated the main post with the flyer that has been posted to the Adventurer's Guilds! A new Tonberry's Lantern article can be found here, as well. Not much else to report at this point in time! I'm currently in the process of overhauling the website, so that should be up and running here over the next week. We also have an event in the works, though there is no date set in stone quite yet. It's time to get the ball rolling either way.


We're also close to having all the furnishings ready for our house! Only roughly three more ranks in the FC to go until we can buy our plot! On a related note, the leveling process is a bit tedious. If any of you have any alts without Free Companies and wouldn't mind helping the process along, we'd love you forever! We have a special little "affiliate" rank for friends who are helping us along towards our goal. <3


Lastly, I'd like to just put this out there. I know quite a few of you had a lot of interest in the Blue Skies back during beta when I was doing my best to get her off the ground, but between RL issues I was facing at the time, and in-game matters that pulled away from my ability to lead the Blue Skies the way I had originally intended, it fell short. I'm truly sorry to those that the sudden closure of Blue Skies had an adverse effect on. It was never my intention. Sadly, I bit off more than I could chew at the time, and everything just sort of crumpled.


This time around, however, I'm not going to make the same mistakes and attempt to carry more weight than I'm able. Thanks for reading, and thanks for your continued interest!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Blue Skies finally has finally established their HQ! Still working on arranging things (like putting the damn fence up that I keep forgetting about), but feel free to stop by ward 5 of the Lavender Beds to check it out if you'd like~


In line with this, we'll be temporarily restricting recruitment back to invitation only, though don't let that discourage you if you're interested in the linkshell or free company!




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  • 1 month later...

You know it! I'll try and be in touch soon. Been busy with the recent patch. :>


In other news, the Blue Skies HQ got an overhaul when the addition of the basement in 2.2. Any prospective members (Or anyone, really) are more than welcome to stop by!




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