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Looking for Connections/RP

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Hello HRC! Fair warning I'm slightly new to this site so if I do anything below that needs fixing please let me know! Never was good with forums.


First a little bit about my character.


Renmar is a mercenary highlander. Though he is somewhat satirical with his humor and attitude he takes his job very seriously when hired. His past is a mystery even to himself because of a bout of amnesia. He has remembered vague parts of it but thats about it. Ren is what most would consider Chaotic Neutral. [AKA most consider him bat shit crazy. The kind of guy that would save a woman from being killed and then the next day try to enslave her is a good example of his mentality. Though if you do end up befriending him he is loyal despite his.. flip flopping on right and wrong] Right now I am looking for nearly any RP and nearly all is welcome.

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Sounds like an interesting sort! Always nice to see more people in the Chaotic Neutral sect. Reminds me of a T-shirt I saw somewhere: "Chaotic Neutral - Might Save Your Life, Might Bang Your Wife".


I know a number of characters that might fit in well with yours tend to be in and about Limsa Lominsa!

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