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This sounds so desperate *hides*


My character's romantic partner left the game (Icly we agreed on saying she died). After a few months, I realized I really miss that rp and have been looking for someone else. Unfortunately, not having much luck so I thought I'd try here.


About my character:

Usually on around 8pm est

Male, midlander hyur



What I'm looking for:

A partnership. Erp is great and all but that's not my main goal here. I want a best friend for my character, someone that can have his back and vice versa. Romance is the end goal but I don't want it to be empty. Male or Female is fine. 


What I'm not looking for:

Someone who is very meek or submissive. While looking, I ran into a lot of that for both genders. Nothing against it, my character would just steam roll them, I'm afraid. Also, please realize that this is RP. I'm very wary of ooc bleeds. And if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. No hard feelings! Rp is Rp. 


I'm super embarrassed by this, so if you want more info just PM this account >.>. I'm actually terrified that people are going make fun of me for this so I'm keeping my character name out unless you PM. I'll be more than happy to answer any questions there. 


Any suggestions on where I can look in game would also be great!

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It's not an uncommon thing to want! Especially when a RP partnership ends for one reason or another. Those kind of RPs can be the best kinds but they do have the risks of bleeds and other such things :)


What I could suggest is to try going to some of the public events and start chatting to people ICly. See where the RP leads! I've seen a lot of good interactions come from people attending events and meeting others that can spawn further RP. Or, at the very least, get your toes a little more wet in the community!

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Before my boyfriend was... well my boyfriend, he was my RP partner about two years ago back on WoW (Our two year anniversary is actually on September 19th!). I was not expecting to run into him, I simply joined a guild and started roleplaying with multiple people. Sometimes the best RP is found when you least expect it, whether it's going to public RP events or roleplaying with your guild/free company. And yeah, since meeting him we've had multiple characters, multiple romance roleplays, and we've had a lot of fun, so don't stop looking. To this day we are actually living together, and we have new struggles since having a relationship over the internet is completely different than having a relationship in person, but despite this, I love him, even if I'm pissed. 


I also have another roleplay partner that I actually met through RPC! All I did was browse through the Making Connections thread, found a few character profiles that I liked, messaged the people and watched to see if they messaged me back. Keep in mind, this may take a few tries before you find someone who will actually seem genuinely interested and respond to you back. Anyways, those are my tips and that is how I got my two current RP partners!

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Don't feel desperate xD


A fair few like romantic RP. I met my IC partner organically, which was nice. Romantic RP wasn't even on my radar at ALL. 2 years later, we are still at it IC married couple, OOC bffs. I worried about bleed, as I am also very leery of it. But we have not had that issue at all!

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