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Altani Borlaaq & Ser Doric -- Seeking FC


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SO EY, I'm a guy who does roleplay on a big knight called Ser Doric. I dunno if you've ever seen him, I used to RP a lot on FFXIV but only recently returned.


I'm sorta looking for a merc company/band of knights/any free company really to assist in fostering RP with him and a group, and hoped to drag my partner in crime Altani Borlaaq (Nyuunie) along with me.


You can learn more about my big buddy here -- https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Ser_Doric And Nyuunie's character  here -- https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Altani_Borlaaq


tldr looking for a FC to ronjon with. YEP.


Also-- I'm not certain if this is where I need to post this, if it isn't-- give it a move, but I've checked the forums for FC inquiries and this seems p'apt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually I remember seeing you both in the quicksand one night. It was actually pretty entertaining to watch. While I'm unsure if you would be interested in our FC, I would like to RP with you both sometime. : ) Feel free to drop me a PM with any questions or comments and possibly a day to meet up for roleplay sometime.


Take care!

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