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Newish/Returning Player Seeks Contacts for Miqo'te Ladies

Which of these two characters seems more to your taste?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these two characters seems more to your taste?

    • The Seeker of the Sun
    • The Keeper of the Moon

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Hello there, Hydaelyn Role Playing Forums!  I played Final Fantasy XIV shortly before the release of Heavensward.  I enjoyed the game immensely, but left due to not having people to enjoy the game with.  I have recently talked several real life friends into giving the game a shot since WoW's recent release of Legion can easily be summarized as "Daily World Quests: The Game".  Thank you, Blizzard, for fucking it up once again and giving me the opportunity to drag my friends off to a superior game!


Anyway!  I will be starting over as one of two miqo'te ladies and I thought that I would post here to see which one might be more popular and more prone to finding role play.  The basis of both are the same, with each being a young miqo'te huntress on the cusp of womanhood setting out to carve her own adventure across Eorzea.  The driving forces behind their adventures, however, are radically different.




The first character is the more simple of the two.  She is a keeper of the moon from the deepest reaches of the Black Shroud and has recently left her small tribe behind in pursuit of greater game.  A huntress at her very core, she has conquered the greatest challenges of her tribe's ancestral hunting grounds and wishes to travel the world in pursuit of greater trophies.


She is a traditional keeper of the moon raised in a small family group of mostly females, which will mean several things.  She will be difficult to form a connection with for any non-miqo'te characters, or any male characters in general.  Those who can tolerate her seemingly cold and distant demeanor, however, will not find a more stalwart ally or a more willing hunting companion.  It also means that she is content existing as a solitary creature; again contributing to that cold and distant demeanor.


This character would be best suited for a heavily keeper of the moon group, or at least a heavily miqo'te group.  Barring that, a group of mercenaries or hunters would also fit her style, regardless of the race of her companions.


Being from the Black Shroud, she would likely start out in Gridania as a Lancer or Archer.




The second character is much more complex and multi-faceted, so I will have to compress her down a bit.  If she turns out to be the one that I would be best off playing, I will post a more in-depth profile in the appropriate area of the foums and work on a wiki.


She is a seeker of the sun hailing from the Zu tribe hailing from an island chain in the Rhotano Sea.  Her tribe has lived there for many generations, since migrating there from the mainland of La Noscea.  They live in peace there, hunting, farming, and trading with the occasional trade ship from Lima Lominsa or Ul'dah.


The most notable part of their culture is the way that they honor their tribal cloudtotem spirit, the Zu.  The Zu are a migratory species in Eorzea, and so too are the miqo'te of this particular group.  In this tribe of miqo'te, it is viewed as a right of passage to venture forth from the shores of their island home to see the world in their own migration.  Those who take this journey return home wiser and more worldly, bearing gifts for the tribe from the lands beyond their shores.  Each miqo'te who makes this voyage betters not only themselves, but the tribe as a whole.  Those females who complete this right are seen as more desirable mating partners, with those who have completed multiple migrations being viewed as prized mating partners.  This right of passage is so important to their culture that Tia who have not completed their first migration are barred from challenging the Nunh for their titles.


My seeker will be from this tribe and she will have just recently embarked on her first migration.  Among her tribe, she is a huntress, the youngest daughter of one of the tribe's most migrated elders, and the youngest sister of the tribe's most prized female, who recently returned home from her last migration to settle down.  This particular sister now holds the record of most migrations completed by a single member of the tribe.


It is this sister that served as a second mother for my young seeker, and would always return home with tales of the great world beyond their shores.  These tales fostered within my seeker girl a great sense of adventure and an eagerness to leave her island home.


She is an adventurous spirit and would fit in with just about anyone.  She is energetic, optimistic, and always willing to spar and/or hunt.  She will always be looking to try new things, see new places, and hone new skills.


Due to the location of her home, she could easily start out in either Limsa Lominsa as a marauder, taking up the axe and joining a shipping crew or in Ul'dah as a Gladiator, fighting for coin and fame.  Since ships from both nations frequent the waters round the island, either would be viable.




So those are my girls!  I would be interested in all kinds of contacts, and will make a more in-depth profile for whichever seems like it would have the most promise.

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Welcome back! :D


Keeper gets my vote. Not that I'm biased or anything. *cough cough*


There are a few good Miqo'te groups offhand that I've seen/heard of so far that I'm eyeing too:


Shroudwolf - http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=16647


And there's another called the Morbolvine Clan, but their only recruitment post is in the archives. I'm not sure if they're actively recruiting or not, but the post they have says they weren't. I know they're active, though. 


I'm sure there are a few others out there too!

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I was about to make another post declaring the Seeker the clear winner and detailing her out a bit more, but you guys have made me have to put that on hold.  I'd love to find an active Keeper group to role play with, but assumed that the Seekers would be easier to find connections for.  I'll be starting the character tomorrow after work, so I will just sit back and keep an eye on this thread for another day.

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I really like both! I think the Seeker has a bit more development, but that's okay. Sometimes the best way to think up backstories and character development is by just thinking it over as you roleplay. You might think up some cool ideas along the way. 


I have a miqo'te too but she acts a little differently than most traditional miqo'te because she was raised by Highlanders. If/when you decide on a character, feel free to find me in-game on Y'zhara Zekial. I'd be willing to RP.

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