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Just putting out a feeler here in case you know there's some NA morning rper people, EU afternooners or hell West or East Aussie's/people in Asia that rp at night. (Basically EST morning people)


Don't suppose I could interest you in my cast of characters? 


To rp with?


I mean two of em can cook. One's kind of an engineer and the other one's busy bumbling around arcanima. One's sort of like a merc, the other one's kitchen staff first, courtesan second at KISS. One can fight, the other tries to fight but ends up resorting to really dirty tricks. There's some pets in it too, like a Red Panda or maybe a Dorf Rabbit. He's a jack of some trades, while she's a profiteer with an eye for squeezing gil out of a deal. Limsan and Ul'dahn.


Oh right then there's also a comatose sun+moon catte, I'm just waiting for a reason to rouse her from her condition. Used to run a shop in Gridania with her dad but well can't really run a shop that's pretty much been sold to get some conjurer or something to wake her up. Open the box and you'll find toys of voidy goodness in the cereal.

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Morning EST will work for me but any rp (unless stated otherwise) will likely have to be on discord or RPC unfortunetly.


If you're willing to work with that, then I have two characters that can bring something to the table. Marigold is a smuggler who drinks a lot, carries out missions for Arcadeus, and likes to socialize. Aulbiene on the other hand is a researcher who fleed from Ishgard, manipulative, and mage.


That's just some details about the two and if you want to know a bit more, then feel free to check out the wikis (they both need to be updates though, Marigold more so)

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...kert sterl!


Unfortunately I work mornings EST, but I'd definitely be down for some Discord/RPC RP. It's been too long!


I've got Ruran (Locke Rinannis), a forelorn and rather defeated wanderer who seeks out voidsent issues and is always getting in over his head.


And there's also Madoc, a cocky Xaela who's a mercenary that works as a bartender in the downtime. Cheeky bastard with an oversized axe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are okay with Discord RP, feel free to take a look at the wiki in my sig and see if my character interests you.


I am SOMETIMES online in the EST morning, but we're maybe talking 3-5 times a month. If even that. Discords on the other hand I can use while at work so that would be best given our time differences.

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