Kylin Posted March 1, 2013 Share #1 Posted March 1, 2013 The following flier can be found posted on bulletin boards of various establishments throughout Eorzea. ((Click image to enlarge)) [align=center][/align] =====DATE MODIFIED DUE TO ONGOING SERVER ISSUES===== Official date is September 7th, at 7pm Eastern Time. The 7th Annual Full Cold Moon gala is meant to provide a social setting for new and old RPers alike to help integrate themselves into the community. It takes place in present day (the previous 'few months prior to present day' setting has been dropped). Due to the likelihood of a large turnout, there are some rules and some degree of structure for the event. These rules and structure are listed below. Rules/Structure! Event is 100% IC. Please keep OOC chat to a bare minimum or contained in chat channels outside of /say. My character for this entire event is Elza Ashfen. All questions should either be sent to her via tell. I will be in tell hell. So please understand responses will be slower than normal. Upon arrival, STAY at the gate. There's more than 1 gate into Fellsgourd Float. An event mod will be at each one (as well as other predetermined locations just in case people don't read these instructions). Do NOT head into the heart of the city until escorted. If your character is sneaking into the event and not paying the IC fee, that's fine. Just send myself or an event mod a tell that you're inside the city so we can ensure not to skip over you with the groupings. An event shell will be utilized for the duration of the event. It will be used ICly for an announcement/PA system, though OOC talk is fine on it (just keep it all in parenthesis and to a minimum please). The shell will be discarded after the event concludes. If unable to take the extra shell due to being 8/8 linkshells, please make me aware of this immediately. Disband all parties. You will be grouped up semi-randomly (if you come with a date, you will still be grouped with him/her, make sure we're made aware of it via /tell). Entry fee is completely IC and not actually required OOC. Masks are not mandatory either, though it can make things interesting ICly if people don't know who you are! Event Flow! At the start of the event, attendees will be ushered to a central location. After the hostess says some words, the group will be divided into smaller groups of 3-5 people and each group will be escorted to a "table." Should one come with a date, the couple will be seated together. Do not come with a pre-created party to be seated together though, as that greatly undermines the purpose of the event. Each table will be partied up with the other table mates somewhat randomly and are asked to keep their IC chatter (save publicly viewable emotes) to party chat so everyone can follow things easier and have more intimate RP with a small number of people. Tables will be served food and drink and have time to socialize with others at their table for the first portion of the event. The event will then segway into a dancing contest. Those who wish to participate will be randomly teamed up with a partner of the opposite gender. This will quickly turn into a "roulette" type of game where partners switch with one another at the start of each song. A panel of judges, randomly selected from the audience prior to the dancing, will decide the best couple. During this contest, it is heavily encouraged to keep IC chat one-on-one with your partner at that time (/tell). This is, once again, to keep the flooding chat box somewhat under control. Following this, the dance floor will open to all who wish to use it. The event itself will also open up and become less controlled, allowing free movement to/from tables and chatter in /say until the party dies down to its natural end. Seeking! --Someone to help live stream the music. Most music will be pre-selected, though there may be room for the streamer to select their own as well. --IC guards/mercenaries (guards will still be seated at tables and be able to socialize, but will have more free roaming powers and will also be asked to help moderate the event) --Performers. If you wish to perform a song live ICly, let me know well in advance. 1 Link to comment
Aysun Posted March 1, 2013 Share #2 Posted March 1, 2013 Quote ICly, it will take place about 2-3 months prior to game launch/present day. Wut? Clarification needed cuz I'm braindead today. Bottom line: does it happen before or after the timeskippers come back? Link to comment
Gerik Posted March 1, 2013 Share #3 Posted March 1, 2013 Quote Quote ICly, it will take place about 2-3 months prior to game launch/present day. Wut? Clarification needed cuz I'm braindead today. Bottom line: does it happen before or after the timeskippers come back? Little bit before I think. You'd need to bring your alt Link to comment
Deirdre Posted March 1, 2013 Share #4 Posted March 1, 2013 I think it's very feasible that characters can come back earlier (or later) than the major bulk will on release, so main characters attending this is very possible. Personally, I can't have Deir attend but I may bring my alt. I suggest anyone new to the community check an event like this out, even if you don't RP! It's a great way to get involved in things. Just remember, at big events like this it's easy to get lost in the crowds and text. Try to think of it like you are in a large group of people talking; you're not going to pick up every single conversation and it's context. If you're in a conversation, focus on those people mainly. If you are wandering, look through bits and pieces of conversation like you normally would. Looking forward to this Kylin! Link to comment
Kylin Posted March 1, 2013 Author Share #5 Posted March 1, 2013 Yeah, it'll take place (in theory) before the time warpers return. The reason for this is to keep things "safe" lore-wise if possible. I know a lot of people are of differing opinions as to when the time travelers start appearing. This is meant to avoid any potential conflict in that regard.--No longer valid. Ignore. Alternatively, I could have it set in present day. But we'd all have to be on the same page in regards to that particular scenario...which is unlikely unless all time skippers simply agree to bring an alt regardless . I'm interested in feedback about this, as I'd like it all to be as non-confusing as possible. Link to comment
Aysun Posted March 2, 2013 Share #6 Posted March 2, 2013 Naw that's fine. I just wanted to clarify! I'll have to alt it up. Link to comment
Rhio Posted March 2, 2013 Share #7 Posted March 2, 2013 Rhio probably won't be able to go, but it might be a good event for Mal and his wife. Looks like fun. Link to comment
Rhostel Posted March 2, 2013 Share #8 Posted March 2, 2013 Rhostel should be available either way. Link to comment
Duplicitous Rex Posted March 2, 2013 Share #9 Posted March 2, 2013 I'll show up if I am in a position to play in open beta. Link to comment
Ryanti Posted March 2, 2013 Share #10 Posted March 2, 2013 Quote Yeah, it'll take place (in theory) before the time warpers return. The reason for this is to keep things "safe" lore-wise if possible. I know a lot of people are of differing opinions as to when the time travelers start appearing. This is meant to avoid any potential conflict in that regard. Alternatively, I could have it set in present day. But we'd all have to be on the same page in regards to that particular scenario...which is unlikely unless all time skippers simply agree to bring an alt regardless . I'm interested in feedback about this, as I'd like it all to be as non-confusing as possible. Fine with no time warpers because Ryanti isn't one And yeah, he'll probably be forced to go, even if he didn't want to! So expect me. I might even volunteer for moderation, we'll see. I have the potential to make that IC too. Link to comment
Vee Posted March 6, 2013 Share #11 Posted March 6, 2013 This sounds like a lot of fun. I will try to be there! Link to comment
Moltove Posted March 6, 2013 Share #12 Posted March 6, 2013 Certainly interested, just need about a week's notice to make sure I have the evening off...if I want to give it up >.> Link to comment
Kylin Posted March 9, 2013 Author Share #13 Posted March 9, 2013 Due to various concerns brought forth in private over the last week or so, as well as to avoid less confusion, I'll be removing the 'several months prior to present day' timeline from this event. As most people seem to be considering open beta as the present day happenings anyway (as in, time skippers returning around that time), the attempt to make the event take place at an earlier point in time has become moot and will cause further confusion for people who have already started canon RP with their characters before and after the event. I'll edit the original post to reflect that in due time. To summarize, the event will take place in -present day- time just like any normal public RP event as opposed to 'x months prior to launch.' Those who time skipped are still highly encouraged to bring an alt to play on the safe side in terms of future SE lore bombs regarding the time jump. But it is no longer required and it is highly likely that a few time skippers will be present at the event. We'll just have to go forward assuming that people are returning at slightly different times until SE proves us wrong. This decision could be reversed again should SE reveal something crucial about the time skippers that would go against them being ICly back during open beta. A location may have been settled on, though I'd still like to have more time before making it official. Date still pending obviously. Link to comment
Desphiria Posted June 23, 2013 Share #14 Posted June 23, 2013 Hmms, this event seems purty interestings. Izaria shall try to be there wherever it's going to be. And it'd be great if there ARE masks in-game, it'd be purty cool. Soo, it's gonna be during open beta next month then right? Ooor, after open beta? Cause, if it's during open beta won't people have to get that, airship pass to go places first? And is it gonna be after people get a little far in their first main class quests? I hope that made sense. Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted June 23, 2013 Share #15 Posted June 23, 2013 So there is no consensus on when the time skippers come back in the RPC? In my guild, we have it set that Time Skippers begin coming back in Phase 4, so I'm just making sure there isn't a set guideline I should be following or if there is what is it Link to comment
Aysun Posted June 23, 2013 Share #16 Posted June 23, 2013 Quote So there is no consensus on when the time skippers come back in the RPC? In my guild, we have it set that Time Skippers begin coming back in Phase 4, so I'm just making sure there isn't a set guideline I should be following or if there is what is it Can't really, since some people started RPing that they'd returned months ago. Basically I assume that we all appeared back at the same time, but the continuity is just a little off... I don't think people will go into that much detail though. Smile and nod. Link to comment
Rhio Posted June 23, 2013 Share #17 Posted June 23, 2013 Quote So there is no consensus on when the time skippers come back in the RPC? In my guild, we have it set that Time Skippers begin coming back in Phase 4, so I'm just making sure there isn't a set guideline I should be following or if there is what is it I think the consensus is akin to time travel in City of Heroes. After the game shut down, several of the developers got together to answer a whole lot of dangling lore mysteries, and one of the questions asked was about what canonical methods of time travel existed in the game's lore. The developers responded with a list of about seven options, with the seventh being "whatever form your character used for their background." In other words, your character came back from the timeskip when you say your character came back from the timeskip, and if the continuity gets wonky, time travel. Timey-wimey stuff. You get the idea. Link to comment
Laughmaker Posted June 23, 2013 Share #18 Posted June 23, 2013 This sounds glorious! Expect the smitty to show up. Now to find a pesky mask... Link to comment
Moonfire Posted June 23, 2013 Share #19 Posted June 23, 2013 This whole party system of RPing seems weird to me. I understand that you want to keep things limited to avoid chat spam. I want to try this new approach but I need some pointers. And have some questions. What if there is an odd number of people? How do you tell if someone is in a conversation? Can you still use emotes? Can you approach a couple that are in one on one to get into their conversation? How do you do introductions? Publicly or one on one? Link to comment
Varus Posted June 23, 2013 Share #20 Posted June 23, 2013 Quote This whole party system of RPing seems weird to me. I understand that you want to keep things limited to avoid chat spam. I want to try this new approach but I need some pointers. And have some questions. What if there is an odd number of people? How do you tell if someone is in a conversation? Can you still use emotes? Can you approach a couple that are in one on one to get into their conversation? How do you do introductions? Publicly or one on one? One of the sure fire signs of people RPing in party chat: if the players are emoting at each other with seeming relevance. Another: if they are targeting each other. Yet one more: If they have stood still for awhile. (Typing and moving is difficult!) Link to comment
Kylin Posted June 23, 2013 Author Share #21 Posted June 23, 2013 Updated the original post with more info and a fancy new flier! Also put in a projected date, though this could EASILY end up changing. This is purely based on the projection of the beta testing phases and should for now be treated as a placeholder. In regards to the party RP, please remember that this is only for the first portion of the event. The second half will allow for complete mobility and freedom. The reason this is being done is to allow a chance for more intimate RP between small groups (and no, not that kind of "intimate" you pervs!). Large RP gatherings can make it very difficult for people to mingle on any meaningful level. This is especially true for those who are somewhat reserved OOCly. The initial party system will allow smaller groups to interact with one another in a much more meaningful and intimate way. I've found in my many 1.0 events that dividing a large group into smaller groups can be extremely effective in making one's RP experience much more memorable. Quote What if there is an odd number of people? This won't be an issue. The tables do not need to be even nor do they have to seat the exact same number as every other table. The bigger problem will be whether there will be enough seats. But I've taken that into account for the most part now. Quote How do you tell if someone is in a conversation? Due to the way this is being set up, you will likely be too busy in your OWN conversations to worry about other tables right away ^^ Quote Can you still use emotes? Absolutely. Someone from Table A may not be able to overhear someone from Table B. But seeing their actions is another thing completely. In addition, should it get rowdy between some, there is nothing wrong with /say or /yell to make the scene more powerful. However, most will be urged to stay in /party for the first half of the event. Quote Can you approach a couple that are in one on one to get into their conversation? Since you will be at your own table with your own randomized group, this won't really apply. Those with specialized roles in the event (such as hired guards) will have a tad more freedom for the first half of the event than regular attendees though. That said, one can get up and roam if they want. But it's not encouraged until the second half of the event. Quote How do you do introductions? Publicly or one on one? For the first half of the event, you'll only need to "introduce" yourself to your fellow table members. This can be done however one pleases of course. Link to comment
Rhostel Posted June 23, 2013 Share #22 Posted June 23, 2013 Quote Those with specialized roles in the event (such as hired guards) Heyo! You're still up for having Rhostel as a guard, right? I'll be making a temporary version of her, levelling up to ~15 to get a solid suit of armour and unlock airship travel/dyes for RP during open beta, until I can update her 1.0 incarnation. Link to comment
Desphiria Posted June 24, 2013 Share #23 Posted June 24, 2013 I have a question, where would we get masks and formal wear from? Link to comment
Anzio Posted June 24, 2013 Share #24 Posted June 24, 2013 Despite crowds not being his thing, I'll likely show up on A'nzil to get back into the swing of RPing. Link to comment
Deirdre Posted June 24, 2013 Share #25 Posted June 24, 2013 Quote I have a question, where would we get masks and formal wear from? We probably won't have access to this kind of thing in game yet so we're going to have to use our imaginations. A few of the artists in the community are devising a fix for this, so hang on for now Link to comment
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