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Lurker saying hello

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Hi there. I joined this website about a month ago but I never really did much after that. I would long on once and awhile and lurk but I never really posted anything (That's a lie I did a post about 3-4 weeks ago but I may have put it in the wrong section). I have a character on Balmung named Renias Athidrial. He is a 21 year old Hyurian male. Here is a link to his Wiki page.




And a link to my player directory




I am often in Ul'dah so if you see me and want to RP just walk up and I would be happy to RP with any of you. I'm looking forward to (hopefully) all the RP in the future.

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If I'll ever see you in Ul'dah, I'll make sure to drop a hi before returning back to being a wallflower there haha xD I'd like to learn more about your character! Probably RP with them too! o/ Bodyguard for hire!


But yes, hello! Welcome to the forum, dear lurker xD

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