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Hello all. My name is Arl...


*Notices the dancing cactuar and other final fantasy related emoticons*


Umm. where was I? Oh yes! My name is Arlon. I have been roleplaying for over 12 years through chat programs, in final fantasy XI, Tera online and other MMORPG's. I have played MMO's since Final Fantasy in 2003. I stuck with FFXI for 7 years, then went on to other MMO's but none of them gave me the sense of community and family that XI had. Over the course of my gaming, I have had 2 meetups with linkshell mates from all over the country. We all gathered in Ohio the first year at a hotel for a weekend, and the next year we all rented a lakehouse and stayed for a week. There were 17 of us the first time, and 12 of us the next year. Good times.


I tried FFXIV when it first release and was disappointed in the quality of the game overall but A Realm Reborn looks to be much improved and I can't wait!


I do love forum and in-game roleplaying, creating stories for my characters and interacting with others. I will usually wait make a character before roleplaying due to the issue of the features not being an option in the character creator. I also haven't chosen what class(s) I'd like to play when the game releases.


It's good to meet you all. I'm very excited about being with an active group of roleplayers again!

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You are dedicated! Seven years in one game is a super long time. At least to me.


I felt the same way about FFXIV when I first started-- but I had some cool goggles and those kept me entertained until my pc collapsed under the weight of the game.


Welcome here and I look forward to seeing your character when you get one started~

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Hi there and welcome to the RPC from another long-time FFXI player!  Lots of great memories from back in those days.  :)  Out of curiosity which sever did you play on?

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Thank you all for the warm welcomes! I was on the Caitsith server in XI. My character name was Brayker and I had BLU RDM COR SAM PLD RNG and BST at 75 and stopped playing soon after they raised the level cap and introduced Abyssea.


I will post examples of my Roleplaying tomorrow morning.

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