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Loving Person of RP: Tanesh!


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So I play an Female Miqo'te, Tanesh Yhisa,  and I  joined the site under request of a new friend of mine. I usually play the game to rp and do small things around in game. You know horse around and have fun. Catch is I was gone for nearly 6months so I am rather really behind and lacking in a lot of RP contacts and avenues and have been looking to get in touch with some cool people to RP with.


Anyway cheers!

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Hey there, and welcome aboard to the RPC! :thumbsup:


As a Miqo'te, I'd suggest hitting up the ShroudLife linkshell if you haven't already- there's a lot of good opportunities there to find some people and set up some encounters, so it ought to be a good starting point. I can vouch that it is as least active, both in-game and in Discord, so jump right in! 




Apart from that, I can offer up Kasi (profile below!) if something there tickles!

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