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Greetings! I've just recently purchased Final Fantasy XIV, and being a avid roleplayer and lover of lore, I decided to jump right into the rp community here. Spending most if not all my time playing Wow and Guild Wars 2 for years now I've decided to try out this lovely game that ive heard some good things about. Im somewhat of a veteran mmo player and rper, But it seems FFxiv changes my thinking about many ideas in my thinking (Its refreshing actually.) I hope to make some friends and make a new home here if possible.



P.s Im BAD at these types of posts xD

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Hey there, and welcome aboard to both the community and the game! :thumbsup:


If you have questions about lore, there's a lore forum for that, so if you're still in the process of creating a character backstory, that'd be a good place to begin. But, if you've got a good direction in mind already, that might be something for you to touch on here if you're looking at possible connections with other characters! Otherwise, there's the Making Connections forum for that sort of thing too. 


So, in short? Dive right in!

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Welcome aboard! o/


Remember that if you do opt to xfer to Balmung, you can bring up to 8 characters with you in the same transaction. They just have to be coming from the same server and be at least 3x 24 hours old.

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Its a nuisance getting onto Balmung, but that has its advantages :-D


The population is sooo above normal for RPers, and non-Rpers don't make the same sort of effort to get on-server that RPers do. Nor do gold spammers...!


If you can't make it onto Balmung, then a handful of servers have their own RP communities (Gilgamesh is the obvious one!) You'll find a home you're happy with somewhere I think :)


Welcome to the RPC!

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