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Returning Newb, Veteran RPer


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Hello everyone! :chocobo:


I've been wanting to get back into RP for awhile now and I found this RPC. Been lurking a bit and decided to finally re-up my FF14 membership and join in the fun. I quit pre-Heavensward, and am getting my feet wet again! Currently, I'm on a rather dead server and feeling quite lonely. I will probably transfer to Balmung very soon. Just wondering how SOON that should be?


Also, I heard mention that one should distribute their wealth to retainers and alts, is that correct? Sorry, if I'm asking the same question over again. Just wanting to double check before I finalize things. 


As for my RP experience:

STed for VtM for a few years

Played D&D and Pathfinder for 2 years or so

Freeform RP is something I have the most experience with


I am capable of doing intensive plots, but for now I'd like some casual RP to get started when I do land on Balmung. As for my main character, she's a milquetoast KoM Miqo'te who was taken from her tribe at a very young age after wandering off. Has a bit of a sadistic side, is quite greedy and tsundere. Let me know if the lore doesn't quite match up, I'm still getting the hang of things, if you'd be so kind. :cactuar:


A pleasure meeting you all!

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Hey hey and welcome back to XIV.


For transferring over the more liquid gil you can bring the better. I would suggest on your current server if creation restrictions are not a thing then make alts to dump gil on them. That goes double for retainers. I believe it's still 1m per character then 100k for each retainer. Then if you don't have more than 8m plus what you can stuff in retainers then some sellable items are good to invest in. Though do keep in mind that each server is likely to have very different prices. There is a help page on the XIV site that has the full transfer details if you are curious.


Yay for VtM and PF! I'm currently in a PF game and it's totally my newest addiction.


Far as that little blurb is concerned you'll fit in just fine over on Balmung.

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Hey there, welcome back, and congratulations on your impending transfer to Balmung! :thumbsup:


I'd say the sooner you transfer, the better. Once you're in you can start making some contacts and arranging for meetups with other characters, which'll form the lifeblood of getting your experience started. You can also start looking at linkshells and free companies right away, though your mileage will vary, of course. You can also toss up a Making Connections post here on the RPC, which may offer some other possibilities. 


Sounds like an interesting start for a character concept, though. Right out I can say there are a few Miqo'te-centric guilds and linkshells which may interest you. ShroudLife is probably the first and foremost recommendation I would give, on that note (link is in the signature). 


If nothing else, you're certainly welcome to run into Kasi on the road sometime. She does a fair bit of traveling, trading, and mercenary work so she can be found practically anywhere when she needs to be. 


In any case, welcome aboard!

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Yay another DnD/Pathfinder RP'er! I would recommend transferring over as soon as you can. That way you can jump right into this wonderful community and start getting your feet wet with RP'ing. Just like with anything else the best experience you are going to get is putting yourself out there and trying it for yourself.


If you are ever looking for someone to RP with or just want to hang out feel free to send me a tell when you get over to Balmung. I am normally hanging out in the Gridania inn, and I could point you towards some more serious plot people when you feel like you are ready for that.

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Yay for VtM and PF! I'm currently in a PF game and it's totally my newest addiction.


Far as that little blurb is concerned you'll fit in just fine over on Balmung.


LOL Yay! Good to see some TTRP dorks on here. :D I've noticed within this realm of RP there's a user created stat system/sheet that is used for medium-heavy RP. Also, thank you for the info on the transfer stuff!



Sounds like an interesting start for a character concept, though. Right out I can say there are a few Miqo'te-centric guilds and linkshells which may interest you. ShroudLife is probably the first and foremost recommendation I would give, on that note (link is in the signature). 


If nothing else, you're certainly welcome to run into Kasi on the road sometime. She does a fair bit of traveling, trading, and mercenary work so she can be found practically anywhere when she needs to be. 


In any case, welcome aboard!



Thank you! Know it's kinda rough and tumble, but I have plans on refining it. I dunno if Rukmini would fit in at the ShroudLife LS, but she's frequently out in the open when not conducting business in the cities. I've seen your Kasi floating around and think it'd be a great odd couple kind of thing to run dungeons together or just some RP, I imagine it might give off a kinda Dirty Pair vibe for some reason. xD BTW, I know ya'll at SL are Discord nuts. I'm not exactly into voice chat, would I still be able to join there sans Discord?



If you are ever looking for someone to RP with or just want to hang out feel free to send me a tell when you get over to Balmung. I am normally hanging out in the Gridania inn, and I could point you towards some more serious plot people when you feel like you are ready for that.



 Good to know! I was a little perturbed before joining here, but I'm really happy I did. Never imagined such a warm welcome from everyone. When I level up my RPing skills past casual, I'll totally hit you up! :) Didn't think I'd find many TTRPers here, but I'm pleasantly surprised! Forgot to mention that I've run some forum/chat/blog RPs in the past as well.



Hello there, welcome back! :D I hope to see you on Balmung soon!

Yay! Thanks! :moogle:




Sorry for not getting back to this post. Been rather busy IRL. Good to be back. I've made some alts a few days ago to transfer funds and what not. They're actually named properly for the character concepts I came up for them. I see that they're still not allowed to transfer. So I pose the question, is it 3 days IRL that have to pass for the characters to age. Or do I need to rack up enough game time for them to be considered that old? Kinda thinking the former. 


Additionally, are there RP/Lore mentors out there for rusty beginner's? I've been perusing the collected info in the Welcome Desk's threads for now, but I'm afraid I'll have to observe for a bit. Once I come over, I'm totally cool with helping level/raid/etc. for your character or alts. I usually main SCH or SMN, but I'm fine with trying new things and odd party formations. All I ask for is patience and not being completely intoxicated(OOCly) while doing so. xD

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Rough and tumble is definitely not bad- keeping to the basics and letting RP give you some direction and ideas on the fly is a perfectly viable way to go about it! Probably call that the "run & gun" approach. That was pretty much how I did things breaking out for the first time 3 months back- you just kind of learn the lore as you go, but more importantly, it gets you out into the community right away. 


As for Discord... this is something that was REALLY new to me too when I started, because using Skype and Discord as RP channels is pretty new to the scene (*shakes cane*). Voice chat is completely optional and in fact very rarely have I seen it actually used- this applies to all of the Discord RP FFXIV channels I'm in. Think of the Discord channel as an out-of-game text / IM method for soliciting for contacts, RP, and planning. It's an extension of linkshell chat in-game. That being said, you don't have to join the Discord if you don't want to- we can get you into the linkshell in-game and leave it at that, too! 


As for ShroudLife itself... keep in mind, this IS just a linkshell- you're not applying to a free company here, so there's no major commitments and there's no huge interview process. If you think you'd have due cause to interact with characters here, then you're a perfect fit. It's a another avenue to network, at the end of the day. Make contacts, get RP! 


As for the dirty pair... you're certainly welcome to come meet Kasi! Just based on your Miqo'te's basic personality description, she'd be an interesting foil to her. I tank and DPS dungeons (mostly tank) with Kasi, and I'm happy to tank for other folks for what they need or drag them along with me! I'm usually online after 5PM CST.


EDIT: As for your other questions...


Yeah, it's 3 RL days before you can move the characters. That got me too when I moved Kasi onto Balmung. It's not game time.


There's a few lore gurus around here on the RPC that you can pose questions to in the lore forum. I can probably answer some questions if you have them too, but being as how I'm still a little green myself, some of my answers will probably end up being some variation of, "I don't know, let me check the lore book." Still, happy to help where I can!

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It is 3 days IRL not played game time. What a lot of people do is create all of their wanted RP characters on one server and then transfer them all over in one shot so they don't have to pay the transfer fee for each new character you would want.


Feel free to check out the quicksand in Ul Dah for some observation. I found it really challenging at first because there are so many disjointed conversations and emotes going off that I couldn't keep track of anything. I ended up reaching out to some people on here to get my feet wet and just let them know I was new and asked for feedback. You could also try some of the smaller events or lower key RP spots(Most in game taverns). 


The primers on the RPC are pretty solidly written and should be enough to get started. I would be glad to help out in a casual/no pressure setting (that's how most of the RP events I have been in have felt). I don't think that many of the community is going to come down on you too hard being new to RP.

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Hello and welcome back to the game :3


If you have any questions feel free to ask me and I'll be glad to help.


If you are looking for an RP LS I might recommend some to you depending on what RP level you are looking for.


Also make sure to take a look at the Company Hall within this forum. There you will find a lot of Free Companies that offer RP of different varieties.


Also TAW is offering Servertransfers right now for those that are interested in joining but aren't on Balmung. However please make sure that our FC is the right thing for you as we can only give out a limited number of free transfers :3

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Back from a rather chaotic holiday IRL! :tonberry:

Just wanted to say thank you everyone for all the info and replies. And wow, I didn't know some FCs here will actually pay the transfer fees. O_O; Interesting! Many thanks for the offer, but I've already paid and landed on Balmung a few days ago. I'll have to check out a bit more on TAW and some of the other FCs and LSes on here. 


It's been a bit overwhelming getting back to playing. I spent some time trying to get used to SCH again and reconfigging my hotbars. I'm still a bit sloppy and am in need of practice for stuff like the big pulls in dungeons, and the general flow of them. Otherwise, I'm starting to remember things again. It's like my brain just deleted the FF14 part of my files. xD


Anyroad, I go to the QS every so often, but as Deafel said- it's very disjointed and such. Hard to keep up. Will probably be working on Rukmini's backstory a bit and some details to put into a cute little Wiki page on here. Feel free to PM me in-game of if you need a SCH/'fraidy cat(but do keep in mind I'm still getting used to things again) to explore, RP, whatever.


I might be hitting you folks up for some RP soon! Looking forward to it, and apologies if my newb is showing. xD

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