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Hello! I am a new FFXIV player here and just started getting into the game about a week ago. After signing up, I wanted to see if there were any roleplaying servers and communities revolving around that one, and I am happy to have found this one. I recently moved myself over to Balmung, as I noticed is the de-facto RP server for FFXIV, and many of you are there as well. I hope to see you in game and make some friends here along the way! If you ever want to chat, feel free to send me a message here or in-game as well. :D




--MMORPG background

Played WoW since late vanilla early B.C. Stopped playing regularly around Cataclysm.




--RP experience

A decent amount of both public and private RP in WoW, tabletop RP, as well as general online RPing.





--Character ideas/info

Fleshing this out still. ^^



Name: Placidia Astralia



Race: Hyur



Age: Young adult



Description: Average height Hyur midlander. She has short, unkempt white hair and blue eyes. She has an athletic runner’s build, as she does a decent amount of traveling on foot. Skin is slightly tanned from the sun during her travels as well.



At-a-glance bio: Judging by her appearance, Placidia seems to be a nomad of sorts, or at least someone who does a lot of traveling. Inside those eyes you can sense an independent spirit and self determination from someone who appears to be some kind of road warrior. She gives you a soft, reassuring smile, despite having not exchanged any words. Perhaps she is looking for traveling companions, or maybe wants to settle down after a tiring adventure. Regardless of what her purpose or story is, you can't help but notice her standout outside of the average traveler.




--How did you learn about the coalition?



Good old Google. First thing I could find for a FFXIV roleplaying community to help me understand the ins and outs.




--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?



Probably a mix between medium and heavy. I try to keep myself in character as much as possible, especially around city hubs. If I am approached by somebody, unless told otherwise, I'll generally reply IC.





--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)


I am an avid reader and writer hobbyist. I also enjoy art like drawing, modeling and painting.



Will talk for hours about trippy music.




Thanks for reading! I hope to meet plenty of nice people during my stay here.

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Hey there, and welcome aboard to Balmung! :thumbsup:


Sounds like you've got a pretty good start on your character already- sounds fantastic! If your character favors nomadic traveling often, you might want to look into ShroudLife (link in the signature) as a means to connect with other similar characters. The linkshell focuses on roaming RP in the world and features a lot of wilderness survivalist characters and traders, so you may be able to discover a good number of connections there. 


Beyond that, you're certainly welcome to run into Kasi!

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