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LF Merc Contrat(s)/Partners, Melee Students or Teachers, Sparring Partners, etc.

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So I really need to RP, yet my character isn't one who would just jump into a friendly convo at the local bar so it's difficult for spur of the moment RP.  Have thought about doing a RP personality makeover for the character, but thought I'd post this here first.


First and foremost, Kieran is a merc - known enough in some circles, virtually unknown in others.  Around the Shroud he'd be known, Uldah not so much and Limsa it depends on who you talk to.  So anyone that needs a job done or help with a job?  Perfect!


Teacher - very handy with a blade, both two handed, one handed and an axe.  Also very well versed in hand to hand combat.  If your character is looking to expand their fighting skills or learn some self defense?  Kieran could be the guy you're looking for!


Student - with the above said, he totally lacks when it comes to the Bow and Lance - he'd love to hone his skill on those and would love to find a teacher.  Need an eager student?  


Sparring Partner - Kieran LOVES fights, even if he loses every single one, he learns from it.  Want to keep your character fit or looking for a punching bag?  


Etc. - Have an idea but need a side kick or someone to go along with something insane?  PM me and lets see if we can't figure a way that Kieran could be that guy.

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I know several people who love to just RP spar; myself being one of them. While Icly my character is currently going through a bit of a rough patch you can still find her or Reinhold (Who also loves to spar) at the Pathfinder's estate in the Mists Ward 12 plot 44.


We often just spar for no reason what so ever because it is fun and plus Sparring on a beach is always great. There are others in the company who do enjoy a good spar even if they lose so I'm sure you would be welcomed to pop by and challenge anyone at anytime!

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Kasi would probably fit the bill on a number of these bullet points. Kasi is a career mercenary and trader that frequents both the Shroud and Ul'dah, and has something of a reputation for always keeping her word. She's also a veteran lancer and an ex-soldier, but has put down the lance lately in order to train with the greatsword and its heavier weight. Last but not least, she's always up for a good brawl- it's a good way for her to test herself and see how her training is going. 


Details are in her biography in my signature, but if this sounds interesting to you, let me know!

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PMs replied to and as for Kasi, as you mentioned there are several ins.  Kieran is horrible with a Lance and wields it like a Greatsword so would be looking for someone to at least teach him the basics.  If she's learning how to wield a Greatsword could also do some sparring as a way to gauge their progress and of course, just for fun.

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PMs replied to and as for Kasi, as you mentioned there are several ins.  Kieran is horrible with a Lance and wields it like a Greatsword so would be looking for someone to at least teach him the basics.  If she's learning how to wield a Greatsword could also do some sparring as a way to gauge their progress and of course, just for fun.


That sounds like it'd work wonderfully to me. Where do I sign up, eh? :D


EDIT: Would probably help: I'm online generally after 5PM CST on weekdays, all day on weekends!

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