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New server, looking to get back into RP :D

Merlin White

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Hi people! I have many nicknames, but feel free to call me Dyzzie. c:



I just moved to the Jenova server with my boyfriend due to drama on our old server. However, we didn't do a world transfer, we decided to start new characters. (Woot, yay for MSQ @.@)



Now I haven't role-played for some time now, such as YEARS and I've been wanting to get back into since I used to love the creative process that came with it! If anyone is on Jenova and wants to help me and boyfriend get back into the rhythm of role-playing, feel free to message me (Kaguya Hime .... sorry for cheesy name, hehe)

My character is still in the process of being created/established (I don't know where my boyfriend is at with his), but I plan to post more on the character on my Tumblr Blog



I hope to hear from some people!! c: See you all out there!:chocobo:

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