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21 December 2016] Cleaning - End of December

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Whoa it's been a while since we did one of these. We'll be doing a new-years cleaning to start off 2017.


Per this thread, the Linkshell Hall  and Free Company Hall will be cleaned of outdated posts on January 1st, 2017. Any and all Linkshell, Free Company, and/or Personal Listings that do not have a recent post from the last 60 days / 2 months will be moved to the Chronicles forum for archival purposes.


If you have a thread that becomes archived, please notify a moderator/admin via the Feedback and Requests forum, post here in this thread, or report the thread for a un-archive and a moderator will handle it as soon as possible. Previous threads about cleaning will be closed. Do note that LS/FC entries may lose their special tabs (and the information in them) when placed into Chronicles because this information is only stored for specific forums.


Important: To prevent archival in the Linkshell Hall and Free Company Hall, a post from July 1st (or later) will be required. Editing of the original post will not trigger an update to the last_post date, which is used to judge activity.


Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cleaning has been completed.


As always, if your thread was moved to the Chronicles subforum, you can request it be moved back by report, PM to staff or by posting in the Feedback and Requests forum.


For older entries that were dualistic Free Company/Linkshell postings, please state if you'd like a redirect from one hall to the other. (And which forum you'd like the main post in).


The next cleaning will be held end of February / early March.

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