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Seeking: Rouges/Ninjas/Shadowy Characters for Roleplays

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So Im looking for some people who are willing to rp more of the grittier side of the world (the people who fight the things in the shadows so other do not have to worry about them).  I, personally looking for people who are willing to bring an equal amount to the rp and not try and make one person run the whole story.


Character Name: Komachi Kabuto

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Hey there! 


I would suggest hitting the Coven over here:




They have an open tavern in the Lavendar Beds and a nifty little plot hook you use as a code word that you're looking for work (just order a bloody mary). You don't have to be a member of the FC in order to participate with their stuff either!


Disclaimer: Kasi is currently employed by them too, so I might be a little biased. Ahem.

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